

// OS returns an implementation of FileSystem reading from the
// tree rooted at root.  Recording a root is convenient everywhere
// but necessary on Windows, because the slash-separated path
// passed to Open has no way to specify a drive letter.  Using a root
// lets code refer to OS(`c:\`), OS(`d:\`) and so on.
func OS(root string) FileSystem {}

type osFS

func isGoPath(path string) bool {}

func (root osFS) String() string {}

// RootType returns the root type for the filesystem.
// Note that we ignore the path argument because roottype is a property of
// this filesystem. But for other filesystems, the roottype might need to be
// dynamically deduced at call time.
func (root osFS) RootType(path string) RootType {}

func (root osFS) resolve(path string) string {}

func (root osFS) Open(path string) (ReadSeekCloser, error) {}

func (root osFS) Lstat(path string) (os.FileInfo, error) {}

func (root osFS) Stat(path string) (os.FileInfo, error) {}

func (root osFS) ReadDir(path string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {}