
type ModuleResolver

// newModuleResolver returns a new module-aware goimports resolver.
// Note: use caution when modifying this constructor: changes must also be
// reflected in ModuleResolver.ClearForNewScan.
func newModuleResolver(e *ProcessEnv, moduleCacheCache *DirInfoCache) (*ModuleResolver, error) {}

// gomodcacheForEnv returns the GOMODCACHE value to use based on the given env
// map, which must have GOMODCACHE and GOPATH populated.
// TODO(rfindley): this is defensive refactoring.
//  1. Is this even relevant anymore? Can't we just read GOMODCACHE.
//  2. Use this to separate module cache scanning from other scanning.
func gomodcacheForEnv(goenv map[string]string) string {}

func (r *ModuleResolver) initAllMods() error {}

// ClearForNewScan invalidates the last scan.
// It preserves the set of roots, but forgets about the set of directories.
// Though it forgets the set of module cache directories, it remembers their
// contents, since they are assumed to be immutable.
func (r *ModuleResolver) ClearForNewScan() Resolver {}

// ClearModuleInfo invalidates resolver state that depends on go.mod file
// contents (essentially, the output of go list -m -json ...).
// Notably, it does not forget directory contents, which are reset
// asynchronously via ClearForNewScan.
// If the ProcessEnv is a GOPATH environment, ClearModuleInfo is a no op.
// TODO(rfindley): move this to a new env.go, consolidating ProcessEnv methods.
func (e *ProcessEnv) ClearModuleInfo() {}

// UpdateResolver sets the resolver for the ProcessEnv to use in imports
// operations. Only for use with the result of [Resolver.ClearForNewScan].
// TODO(rfindley): this awkward API is a result of the (arguably) inverted
// relationship between configuration and state described in the doc comment
// for [ProcessEnv].
func (e *ProcessEnv) UpdateResolver(r Resolver) {}

// findPackage returns the module and directory from within the main modules
// and their dependencies that contains the package at the given import path,
// or returns nil, "" if no module is in scope.
func (r *ModuleResolver) findPackage(importPath string) (*gocommand.ModuleJSON, string) {}

func (r *ModuleResolver) cacheLoad(dir string) (directoryPackageInfo, bool) {}

func (r *ModuleResolver) cacheStore(info directoryPackageInfo) {}

// cachePackageName caches the package name for a dir already in the cache.
func (r *ModuleResolver) cachePackageName(info directoryPackageInfo) (string, error) {}

func (r *ModuleResolver) cacheExports(ctx context.Context, env *ProcessEnv, info directoryPackageInfo) (string, []stdlib.Symbol, error) {}

// findModuleByDir returns the module that contains dir, or nil if no such
// module is in scope.
func (r *ModuleResolver) findModuleByDir(dir string) *gocommand.ModuleJSON {}

// dirIsNestedModule reports if dir is contained in a nested module underneath
// mod, not actually in mod.
func (r *ModuleResolver) dirIsNestedModule(dir string, mod *gocommand.ModuleJSON) bool {}

func readModName(modFile string) string {}

func (r *ModuleResolver) modInfo(dir string) (modDir, modName string) {}

func (r *ModuleResolver) dirInModuleCache(dir string) bool {}

func (r *ModuleResolver) loadPackageNames(importPaths []string, srcDir string) (map[string]string, error) {}

func (r *ModuleResolver) scan(ctx context.Context, callback *scanCallback) error {}

func (r *ModuleResolver) scoreImportPath(ctx context.Context, path string) float64 {}

func modRelevance(mod *gocommand.ModuleJSON) float64 {}

// canonicalize gets the result of canonicalizing the packages using the results
// of initializing the resolver from 'go list -m'.
func (r *ModuleResolver) canonicalize(info directoryPackageInfo) (*pkg, error) {}

func (r *ModuleResolver) loadExports(ctx context.Context, pkg *pkg, includeTest bool) (string, []stdlib.Symbol, error) {}

func (r *ModuleResolver) scanDirForPackage(root gopathwalk.Root, dir string) directoryPackageInfo {}

var modCacheRegexp

var slashSlash

var moduleStr

// modulePath returns the module path from the gomod file text.
// If it cannot find a module path, it returns an empty string.
// It is tolerant of unrelated problems in the go.mod file.
// Copied from cmd/go/internal/modfile.
func modulePath(mod []byte) string {}