
// Tests that we can find packages in the stdlib.
func TestScanStdlib(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that we handle a nested module. This is different from other tests
// where the module is in scope -- here we have to figure out the import path
// without any help from go list.
func TestScanOutOfScopeNestedModule(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that we don't find a nested module contained in a local replace target.
// The code for this case is too annoying to write, so it's just ignored.
func TestScanNestedModuleInLocalReplace(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that path encoding is handled correctly. Adapted from mod_case.txt.
func TestModCase(t *testing.T) {}

// Not obviously relevant to goimports. Adapted from mod_domain_root.txt anyway.
func TestModDomainRoot(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that scanning the module cache > 1 time is able to find the same module.
func TestModMultipleScans(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that scanning the module cache > 1 time is able to find the same module
// in the module cache.
func TestModMultipleScansWithSubdirs(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that scanning the module cache > 1 after changing a package in module cache to make it unimportable
// is able to find the same module.
func TestModCacheEditModFile(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that -mod=vendor works. Adapted from mod_vendor_build.txt.
func TestModVendorBuild(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that -mod=vendor is auto-enabled only for go1.14 and higher.
// Vaguely inspired by mod_vendor_auto.txt.
func TestModVendorAuto(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that a module replace works. Adapted from mod_list.txt. We start with
// go.mod2; the first part of the test is irrelevant.
func TestModList(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that a local replace works. Adapted from mod_local_replace.txt.
func TestModLocalReplace(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that the package at the root of the main module can be found.
// Adapted from the first part of mod_multirepo.txt.
func TestModMultirepo1(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that a simple module dependency is found. Adapted from the third part
// of mod_multirepo.txt (We skip the case where it doesn't have a go.mod
// entry -- we just don't work in that case.)
func TestModMultirepo3(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that a nested module is found in the module cache, even though
// it's checked out. Adapted from the fourth part of mod_multirepo.txt.
func TestModMultirepo4(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests a simple module dependency. Adapted from the first part of mod_replace.txt.
func TestModReplace1(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests a local replace. Adapted from the second part of mod_replace.txt.
func TestModReplace2(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that a module can be replaced by a different module path. Adapted
// from the third part of mod_replace.txt.
func TestModReplace3(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests more local replaces, notably the case where an outer module provides
// a package that could also be provided by an inner module. Adapted from
// mod_replace_import.txt, with changed to /vv because Go 1.11
// thinks /v is an invalid major version.
func TestModReplaceImport(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that files are respected.
func TestModWorkspace(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests replaces in workspaces. Uses the directory layout in the cmd/go
// work_replace test. It tests both that replaces in files are
// respected and that a wildcard replace in overrides a versioned replace
// in go.mod.
func TestModWorkspaceReplace(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests a case where conflicting replaces are overridden by a replace
// in the file.
func TestModWorkspaceReplaceOverride(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that the correct versions of modules are found in
// workspaces with module pruning. This is based on the
// cmd/go mod_prune_all script test.
func TestModWorkspacePrune(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that we handle GO111MODULE=on with no go.mod file. See #30855.
func TestNoMainModule(t *testing.T) {}

// assertFound asserts that the package at importPath is found to have pkgName,
// and that scanning for pkgName finds it at importPath.
func (t *modTest) assertFound(importPath, pkgName string) (string, *pkg) {}

func (t *modTest) assertScanFinds(importPath, pkgName string) *pkg {}

func scanToSlice(resolver Resolver, exclude []gopathwalk.RootType) ([]*pkg, error) {}

// assertModuleFoundInDir is the same as assertFound, but also checks that the
// package was found in an active module whose Dir matches dirRE.
func (t *modTest) assertModuleFoundInDir(importPath, pkgName, dirRE string) {}

var proxyOnce

var proxyDir

type modTest

// setup builds a test environment from a txtar and supporting modules
// in testdata/mod, along the lines of TestScript in cmd/go.
// extraEnv is applied on top of the default test env.
func setup(t *testing.T, extraEnv map[string]string, main, wd string) *modTest {}

// writeModule writes the module in the ar, a txtar, to dir.
func writeModule(dir, ar string) error {}

// writeProxy writes all the txtar-formatted modules in arDir to a proxy
// directory in dir.
func writeProxy(dir, arDir string) error {}

// writeProxyModule writes a txtar-formatted module at arPath to the module
// proxy in base.
func writeProxyModule(base, arPath string) error {}

func removeDir(dir string) {}

// Tests that findModFile can find the mod files from a path in the module cache.
func TestFindModFileModCache(t *testing.T) {}

// Tests that crud in the module cache is ignored.
func TestInvalidModCache(t *testing.T) {}

func TestGetCandidatesRanking(t *testing.T) {}

func BenchmarkModuleResolver_RescanModCache(b *testing.B) {}

func BenchmarkModuleResolver_InitialScan(b *testing.B) {}

// Tests that files and vendor directory are respected.
func TestModWorkspaceVendoring(t *testing.T) {}