
type Archive

type File

// Format returns the serialized form of an Archive.
// It is assumed that the Archive data structure is well-formed:
// a.Comment and all a.File[i].Data contain no file marker lines,
// and all a.File[i].Name is non-empty.
func Format(a *Archive) []byte {}

// ParseFile parses the named file as an archive.
func ParseFile(file string) (*Archive, error) {}

// Parse parses the serialized form of an Archive.
// The returned Archive holds slices of data.
func Parse(data []byte) *Archive {}

var newlineMarker

var marker

var markerEnd

// findFileMarker finds the next file marker in data,
// extracts the file name, and returns the data before the marker,
// the file name, and the data after the marker.
// If there is no next marker, findFileMarker returns before = fixNL(data), name = "", after = nil.
func findFileMarker(data []byte) (before []byte, name string, after []byte) {}

// isMarker checks whether data begins with a file marker line.
// If so, it returns the name from the line and the data after the line.
// Otherwise it returns name == "" with an unspecified after.
func isMarker(data []byte) (name string, after []byte) {}

// If data is empty or ends in \n, fixNL returns data.
// Otherwise fixNL returns a new slice consisting of data with a final \n added.
func fixNL(data []byte) []byte {}