
{/* This is the article template. It defines how articles are formatted. */}

{{define "root"}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/static/article.css">
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
      // Initialize Google Analytics tracking code on production site only.
      if (window["location"] && window["location"]["hostname"] == "") {
        var _gaq = _gaq || [];
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    <div id="topbar" class="wide">
      <div class="container">
        <div id="heading">{{.Title}}
          {{with .Subtitle}}{{.}}{{end}}
          {{if .Authors}}
            {{range .Authors}}
              <div class="author">
                {{range .Elem}}{{elem $.Template .}}{{end}}
    <div id="page" class="wide">
      <div class="container">
        {{with .Sections}}
          <div id="toc" class="no-print">
            <div id="tochead">Contents</div>
            {{template "TOC" .}}

        {{range .Sections}}
          {{elem $.Template .}}
        {{end}}{{/* of Section block */}}


    {{if .PlayEnabled}}
    <script src='/play.js'></script>

      (function() {
        // Load Google Analytics tracking code on production site only.
        if (window["location"] && window["location"]["hostname"] == "") {
          var ga = document.createElement("script"); ga.type = "text/javascript"; ga.async = true;
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{{define "TOC"}}
  <ul class="toc-outer">
  {{range .}}
    <li><a href="#TOC_{{.FormattedNumber}}">{{.Title}}</a></li>
    {{with .Sections}}{{template "TOC-Inner" .}}{{end}}

{{define "TOC-Inner"}}
  <ul class="toc-inner">
  {{range .}}
    <li><a href="#TOC_{{.FormattedNumber}}">{{.Title}}</a></li>
    {{with .Sections}}{{template "TOC-Inner" .}}{{end}}

{{define "newline"}}
{{/* No automatic line break. Paragraphs are free-form. */}}