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hr {
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h2 {
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/* example and drop-down playground */ {
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} .buttons a {
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  padding: 0.625rem;
  cursor: pointer;
.output .stderr {
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.output .system {
  color: #999;

/* drop-down playground */
div#playground {
  /* start hidden; revealed by javascript */
  display: none;
div#playground {
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  right: 1.25rem;
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div#playground .code {
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div#playground .output {
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/* Inline runnable snippets (play.js/initPlayground) */
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#content .output pre {
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#content .code,
#content .playground,
#content .output {
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#content .output {
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#content .output pre {
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#content .output .error {
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a.error {
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