# Configuration Changes
- The `fieldalignment` analyzer, previously disabled by default, has
been removed: it is redundant with the hover size/offset information
displayed by v0.16.0 and its diagnostics were confusing.
- The kind (identifiers) of all of gopls' code actions have changed
to use more specific hierarchical names. For example, "Inline call"
has changed from `refactor.inline` to `refactor.inline.call`.
This allows clients to request particular code actions more precisely.
The user manual now includes the identifier in the documentation for each code action.
- The experimental `allowImplicitNetworkAccess` setting is removed, following
its deprecation in [email protected]. See golang/go#66861 for details.
# New features
## Change signature refactoring
TODO(rfindley): document the state of change signature refactoring once the
feature set stabilizes.
## Improvements to existing refactoring operations
TODO(rfindley): document the full set of improvements to rename/extract/inline.
## Extract declarations to new file
Gopls now offers another code action,
"Extract declarations to new file" (`refactor.extract.toNewFile`),
which moves selected code sections to a newly created file within the
same package. The created filename is chosen as the first {function, type,
const, var} name encountered. In addition, import declarations are added or
removed as needed.
The user can invoke this code action by selecting a function name, the keywords
`func`, `const`, `var`, `type`, or by placing the caret on them without selecting,
or by selecting a whole declaration or multiple declarations.
In order to avoid ambiguity and surprise about what to extract, some kinds
of paritial selection of a declaration cannot invoke this code action.
## Pull diagnostics
When initialized with the option `"pullDiagnostics": true`, gopls will advertise support for the
[client capability](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/#textDocument_pullDiagnostics),
which allows editors to request diagnostics directly from gopls using a
`textDocument/diagnostic` request, rather than wait for a
`textDocument/publishDiagnostics` notification. This feature is off by default
until the performance of pull diagnostics is comparable to push diagnostics.
## Hover improvements
The `textDocument/hover` response has slightly tweaked markdown rendering, and
includes the following additional information:
- Hovering over a standard library symbol now displays information about the
first Go release containing the symbol. For example, hovering over
`errors.As` shows "Added in go1.13".
- Hovering over the package name in a package declaration includes additional
package metadata.
## Semantic token modifiers of top-level constructor of types
The semantic tokens response now includes additional modifiers for the top-level
constructor of the type of each symbol:
`interface`, `struct`, `signature`, `pointer`, `array`, `map`, `slice`, `chan`, `string`, `number`, `bool`, and `invalid`.
Editors may use this for syntax coloring.
## SignatureHelp for ident and values.
Now, function signature help can be used on any identifier with a function
signature, not just within the parentheses of a function being called.
## Jump to assembly definition
A Definition query on a reference to a function jumps to the
function's Go `func` declaration. If the function is implemented in C
or assembly, the function has no body. Executing a second Definition
query (while already at the Go declaration) will navigate you to the
assembly implementation.
## Generate missing method from function call
When you attempt to call a method on a type that does not have that method,
the compiler will report an error like “type X has no field or method Y”.
Gopls now offers a new code action, “Declare missing method of T.f”,
where T is the concrete type and f is the undefined method.
The stub method's signature is inferred
from the context of the call.
## `yield` analyzer
The new `yield` analyzer detects mistakes using the `yield` function
in a Go 1.23 iterator, such as failure to check its boolean result and
break out of a loop.
## `waitgroup` analyzer
The new `waitgroup` analyzer detects calls to the `Add` method of
`sync.WaitGroup` that are (mistakenly) made within the new goroutine,
causing `Add` to race with `Wait`.
(This check is equivalent to
[staticcheck's SA2000](https://staticcheck.dev/docs/checks#SA2000),
but is enabled by default.)
## Add test for function or method
If the selected chunk of code is part of a function or method declaration F,
gopls will offer the "Add test for F" code action, which adds a new test for the
selected function in the corresponding `_test.go` file. The generated test takes
into account its signature, including input parameters and results.
Since this feature is implemented by the server (gopls), it is compatible with
all LSP-compliant editors. VS Code users may continue to use the client-side
`Go: Generate Unit Tests For file/function/package` command which utilizes the
[gotests](https://github.com/cweill/gotests) tool.