// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package fillreturns
import (
ast2 "go/ast"
. "net/http"
type T struct{}
type T1 = T
type I interface{}
type I1 = I
type z func(string, http.Handler) error
func x() error {
return errors.New("foo")
// The error messages below changed in 1.18; "return values" covers both forms.
func b() (string, int, error) {
return "", 0, errors.New("foo") // want "return values"
func c() (string, int, error) {
return "", 7, errors.New("foo") // want "return values"
func d() (string, int, error) {
return "", 7, nil // want "return values"
func e() (T, error, *bool) {
return T{}, (z(http.ListenAndServe))("", nil), nil // want "return values"
func preserveLeft() (int, int, error) {
return 1, 0, errors.New("foo") // want "return values"
func matchValues() (int, error, string) {
return 3, errors.New("foo"), "" // want "return values"
func preventDataOverwrite() (int, string) {
return 0, "", errors.New("foo") // want "return values"
func closure() (string, error) {
_ = func() (int, error) {
return 0, nil // want "return values"
return "", nil // want "return values"
func basic() (uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, complex64, complex128, byte, rune, uint, int, uintptr, string, bool, error) {
return 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", false, nil // want "return values"
func complex() (*int, []int, [2]int, map[int]int) {
return nil, nil, [2]int{}, nil // want "return values"
func structsAndInterfaces() (T, url.URL, T1, I, I1, io.Reader, Client, ast2.Stmt) {
return T{}, url.URL{}, T1{}, nil, nil, nil, Client{}, nil // want "return values"
func m() (int, error) {
if 1 == 2 {
return 0, nil // want "return values"
} else if 1 == 3 {
return 0, errors.New("foo") // want "return values"
} else {
return 1, nil // want "return values"
return 0, nil // want "return values"
func convertibleTypes() (ast2.Expr, int) {
return &ast2.ArrayType{}, 0 // want "return values"
func assignableTypes() (map[string]int, int) {
type X map[string]int
var x X
return x, 0 // want "return values"
func interfaceAndError() (I, int) {
return errors.New("foo"), 0 // want "return values"
func funcOneReturn() (string, error) {
return strconv.Itoa(1), nil // want "return values"
func funcMultipleReturn() (int, error, string) {
return strconv.Atoi("1")
func localFuncMultipleReturn() (string, int, error, string) {
return b()
func multipleUnused() (int, string, string, string) {
return 3, "", "", "", 4, 5 // want "return values"
func gotTooMany() int {
if true {
return 0 // want "return values"
} else {
return 1 // want "return values"
return 5 // want "return values"
func fillVars() (int, string, ast.Node, bool, error) {
eint := 0
s := "a"
var t bool
if true {
err := errors.New("fail")
return eint, s, nil, false, err // want "return values"
n := ast.NewIdent("ident")
int := 3
var b bool
return int, "", n, b, nil // want "return values"