
const AnalysisProgressTitle

// Analyze applies the set of enabled analyzers to the packages in the pkgs
// map, and returns their diagnostics.
// Notifications of progress may be sent to the optional reporter.
func (s *Snapshot) Analyze(ctx context.Context, pkgs map[PackageID]*metadata.Package, reporter *progress.Tracker) ([]*Diagnostic, error) {}

func analyzers(staticcheck bool) []*settings.Analyzer {}

func (an *analysisNode) decrefPreds() {}

type analysisNode

func (an *analysisNode) String() string {}

// summaryHash computes the hash of the node summary, which may affect other
// nodes depending on this node.
// The result is memoized to avoid redundant work when analyzing multiple
// dependents.
func (an *analysisNode) summaryHash() file.Hash {}

type analyzeSummary

type actionMap

var _

var _

type actionsMapEntry

func (m actionMap) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {}

func (m *actionMap) GobDecode(data []byte) error {}

type actionSummary

var inFlightAnalyses

var cacheLimit

// runCached applies a list of analyzers (plus any others
// transitively required by them) to a package.  It succeeds as long
// as it could produce a types.Package, even if there were direct or
// indirect list/parse/type errors, and even if all the analysis
// actions failed. It usually fails only if the package was unknown,
// a file was missing, or the operation was cancelled.
// The provided key is the cache key for this package.
func (an *analysisNode) runCached(ctx context.Context, key file.Hash) (*analyzeSummary, error) {}

// analysisCacheKey returns a cache key that is a cryptographic digest
// of the all the values that might affect type checking and analysis:
// the analyzer names, package metadata, names and contents of
// compiled Go files, and vdeps (successor) information
// (export data and facts).
func (an *analysisNode) cacheKey() file.Hash {}

// run implements the cache-miss case.
// This function does not access the snapshot.
// Postcondition: on success, the analyzeSummary.Actions
// key set is {a.Name for a in analyzers}.
func (an *analysisNode) run(ctx context.Context) (*analyzeSummary, error) {}

func (an *analysisNode) typeCheck(ctx context.Context) (*analysisPackage, error) {}

// typesLookup implements a concurrency safe depth-first traversal searching
// imports of pkg for a given package path.
func typesLookup(pkg *types.Package) func(string) *types.Package {}

type analysisPackage

type action

func (act *action) String() string {}

// execActions executes a set of action graph nodes in parallel.
// Postcondition: each action.summary is set, even in case of error.
func execActions(ctx context.Context, actions []*action) {}

// exec defines the execution of a single action.
// It returns the (ephemeral) result of the analyzer's Run function,
// along with its (serializable) facts and diagnostics.
// Or it returns an error if the analyzer did not run to
// completion and deliver a valid result.
func (act *action) exec(ctx context.Context) (any, *actionSummary, error) {}

var analyzerRunTimesMu

var analyzerRunTimes

type LabelDuration

// AnalyzerRunTimes returns the accumulated time spent in each Analyzer's
// Run function since process start, in descending order.
func AnalyzerRunTimes() []LabelDuration {}

// requiredAnalyzers returns the transitive closure of required analyzers in preorder.
func requiredAnalyzers(analyzers []*analysis.Analyzer) []*analysis.Analyzer {}

var analyzeSummaryCodec

var diagnosticsCodec

type gobDiagnostic

type gobRelatedInformation

type gobSuggestedFix

type gobCommand

type gobTextEdit

// toGobDiagnostic converts an analysis.Diagnosic to a serializable gobDiagnostic,
// which requires expanding token.Pos positions into protocol.Location form.
func toGobDiagnostic(posToLocation func(start, end token.Pos) (protocol.Location, error), a *analysis.Analyzer, diag analysis.Diagnostic) (gobDiagnostic, error) {}

// effectiveURL computes the effective URL of diag,
// using the algorithm specified at Diagnostic.URL.
func effectiveURL(a *analysis.Analyzer, diag analysis.Diagnostic) string {}

// stableName returns a name for the analyzer that is unique and
// stable across address spaces.
// Analyzer names are not unique. For example, gopls includes
// both x/tools/passes/nilness and staticcheck/nilness.
// For serialization, we must assign each analyzer a unique identifier
// that two gopls processes accessing the cache can agree on.
func stableName(a *analysis.Analyzer) string {}