
const preserveImportGraph

type unit

type typeCheckBatch

// addHandles is called by each goroutine joining the type check batch, to
// ensure that the batch has all inputs necessary for type checking.
func (b *typeCheckBatch) addHandles(handles map[PackageID]*packageHandle) {}

// getHandle retrieves the packageHandle for the given id.
func (b *typeCheckBatch) getHandle(id PackageID) *packageHandle {}

type futurePackage

type pkgOrErr

// TypeCheck parses and type-checks the specified packages,
// and returns them in the same order as the ids.
// The resulting packages' types may belong to different importers,
// so types from different packages are incommensurable.
// The resulting packages slice always contains len(ids) entries, though some
// of them may be nil if (and only if) the resulting error is non-nil.
// An error is returned if any of the requested packages fail to type-check.
// This is different from having type-checking errors: a failure to type-check
// indicates context cancellation or otherwise significant failure to perform
// the type-checking operation.
// In general, clients should never need to type-checked syntax for an
// intermediate test variant (ITV) package. Callers should apply
// RemoveIntermediateTestVariants (or equivalent) before this method, or any
// of the potentially type-checking methods below.
func (s *Snapshot) TypeCheck(ctx context.Context, ids ...PackageID) ([]*Package, error) {}

type preTypeCheck

type postTypeCheck

// forEachPackage does a pre- and post- order traversal of the packages
// specified by ids using the provided pre and post functions.
// The pre func is optional. If set, pre is evaluated after the package
// handle has been constructed, but before type-checking. If pre returns false,
// type-checking is skipped for this package handle.
// post is called with a syntax package after type-checking completes
// successfully. It is only called if pre returned true.
// Both pre and post may be called concurrently.
func (s *Snapshot) forEachPackage(ctx context.Context, ids []PackageID, pre preTypeCheck, post postTypeCheck) error {}

// acquireTypeChecking joins or starts a concurrent type checking batch.
// The batch may be queried for package information using [typeCheckBatch.query].
// The second result must be called when the batch is no longer needed, to
// release the resource.
func (s *Snapshot) acquireTypeChecking() (*typeCheckBatch, func()) {}

// newTypeCheckBatch creates a new type checking batch using the provided
// shared parseCache.
// If a non-nil importGraph is provided, imports in this graph will be reused.
func newTypeCheckBatch(parseCache *parseCache, gopackagesdriver bool) *typeCheckBatch {}

// query executes a traversal of package information in the given typeCheckBatch.
// For each package in importIDs, the package will be loaded "for import" (sans
// syntax).
// For each package in syntaxIDs, the package will be handled following the
// pre- and post- traversal logic of [Snapshot.forEachPackage].
// Package handles must be provided for each package in the forward transitive
// closure of either importIDs or syntaxIDs.
// TODO(rfindley): simplify this API by clarifying shared import graph and
// package handle logic.
func (b *typeCheckBatch) query(ctx context.Context, syntaxIDs []PackageID, pre preTypeCheck, post postTypeCheck, handles map[PackageID]*packageHandle) error {}

// getImportPackage returns the *types.Package to use for importing the
// package referenced by id.
// This may be the package produced by type-checking syntax (as in the case
// where id is in the set of requested IDs), a package loaded from export data,
// or a package type-checked for import only.
func (b *typeCheckBatch) getImportPackage(ctx context.Context, id PackageID) (pkg *types.Package, err error) {}

// handleSyntaxPackage handles one package from the ids slice.
// If type checking occurred while handling the package, it returns the
// resulting types.Package so that it may be used for importing.
// handleSyntaxPackage returns (nil, nil) if pre returned false.
func (b *typeCheckBatch) handleSyntaxPackage(ctx context.Context, i int, id PackageID, pre preTypeCheck, post postTypeCheck) error {}

// getPackage type checks one [Package] in the batch.
func (b *typeCheckBatch) getPackage(ctx context.Context, ph *packageHandle) (*Package, error) {}

// storePackageResults serializes and writes information derived from p to the
// file cache.
// The context is used only for logging; cancellation does not affect the operation.
func storePackageResults(ctx context.Context, ph *packageHandle, p *Package) {}

// Metadata implements the [metadata.Source] interface.
func (b *typeCheckBatch) Metadata(id PackageID) *metadata.Package {}

// importPackage loads the given package from its export data in p.exportData
// (which must already be populated).
func (b *typeCheckBatch) importPackage(ctx context.Context, mp *metadata.Package, data []byte) (*types.Package, error) {}

// checkPackageForImport type checks, but skips function bodies and does not
// record syntax information.
func (b *typeCheckBatch) checkPackageForImport(ctx context.Context, ph *packageHandle) (*types.Package, error) {}

// importLookup returns a function that may be used to look up a package ID for
// a given package path, based on the forward transitive closure of the initial
// package (id).
// The resulting function is not concurrency safe.
func importLookup(mp *metadata.Package, source metadata.Source) func(PackagePath) PackageID {}

type packageState

const validMetadata

const validLocalData

const validKey

const validImports

const validPackage

type packageHandle

type packageData

// clone returns a shallow copy of the receiver.
func (ph *packageHandle) clone() *packageHandle {}

// getPackageHandles gets package handles for all given ids and their
// dependencies, recursively. The resulting [packageHandle] values are fully
// evaluated (their state will be at least validKey).
func (s *Snapshot) getPackageHandles(ctx context.Context, ids []PackageID) (map[PackageID]*packageHandle, error) {}

type packageHandleBuilder

type handleNode

type partialRefs

// getTransitiveRefs gets or computes the set of transitively reachable
// packages for each exported name in the package specified by id.
// The operation may fail if building a predecessor failed. If and only if this
// occurs, the result will be nil.
func (b *packageHandleBuilder) getTransitiveRefs(pkgID PackageID) map[string]*typerefs.PackageSet {}

// getOneTransitiveRefLocked computes the full set packages transitively
// reachable through the given sym reference.
// It may return nil if the reference is invalid (i.e. the referenced name does
// not exist).
func (b *packageHandleBuilder) getOneTransitiveRefLocked(sym typerefs.Symbol) *typerefs.PackageSet {}

// evaluatePackageHandle recomputes the derived information in the package handle.
// On success, the handle's state is validKey.
// evaluatePackageHandle must only be called from getPackageHandles.
func (b *packageHandleBuilder) evaluatePackageHandle(ctx context.Context, n *handleNode) (err error) {}

// typerefs returns typerefs for the package described by m and cgfs, after
// either computing it or loading it from the file cache.
func (s *Snapshot) typerefs(ctx context.Context, mp *metadata.Package, cgfs []file.Handle) (map[string][]typerefs.Symbol, error) {}

// typerefData retrieves encoded typeref data from the filecache, or computes it on
// a cache miss.
func (s *Snapshot) typerefData(ctx context.Context, id PackageID, imports map[ImportPath]*metadata.Package, cgfs []file.Handle) ([]byte, error) {}

// typerefsKey produces a key for the reference information produced by the
// typerefs package.
func typerefsKey(id PackageID, imports map[ImportPath]*metadata.Package, compiledGoFiles []file.Handle) file.Hash {}

type typeCheckInputs

func (s *Snapshot) typeCheckInputs(ctx context.Context, mp *metadata.Package) (*typeCheckInputs, error) {}

// readFiles reads the content of each file URL from the source
// (e.g. snapshot or cache).
func readFiles(ctx context.Context, fs file.Source, uris []protocol.DocumentURI) (_ []file.Handle, err error) {}

// localPackageKey returns a key for local inputs into type-checking, excluding
// dependency information: files, metadata, and configuration.
func localPackageKey(inputs *typeCheckInputs) file.Hash {}

// checkPackage type checks the parsed source files in compiledGoFiles.
// (The resulting pkg also holds the parsed but not type-checked goFiles.)
// deps holds the future results of type-checking the direct dependencies.
func (b *typeCheckBatch) checkPackage(ctx context.Context, fset *token.FileSet, ph *packageHandle, imports map[PackagePath]*types.Package) (*Package, error) {}

var goVersionRx

func (b *typeCheckBatch) typesConfig(ctx context.Context, inputs *typeCheckInputs, imports map[PackagePath]*types.Package, onError func(e error)) *types.Config {}

// validGoVersion reports whether goVersion is a valid Go version for go/types.
// types.NewChecker panics if GoVersion is invalid.
// Note that, prior to go1.21, go/types required exactly two components to the
// version number. For example, go types would panic with the Go version
// go1.21.1. validGoVersion handles this case when built with go1.20 or earlier.
func validGoVersion(goVersion string) bool {}

// releaseVersion reports the Go language version used to compile gopls, or ""
// if it cannot be determined.
func releaseVersion() string {}

// depsErrors creates diagnostics for each metadata error (e.g. import cycle).
// These may be attached to import declarations in the transitive source files
// of pkg, or to 'requires' declarations in the package's go.mod file.
// TODO(rfindley): move this to load.go
func depsErrors(ctx context.Context, snapshot *Snapshot, mp *metadata.Package) ([]*Diagnostic, error) {}

// missingPkgError returns an error message for a missing package that varies
// based on the user's workspace mode.
func missingPkgError(from PackageID, pkgPath string, viewType ViewType) error {}

// typeErrorsToDiagnostics translates a slice of types.Errors into a slice of
// Diagnostics.
// In addition to simply mapping data such as position information and error
// codes, this function interprets related go/types "continuation" errors as
// protocol.DiagnosticRelatedInformation. Continuation errors are go/types
// errors whose messages starts with "\t". By convention, these errors relate
// to the previous error in the errs slice (such as if they were printed in
// sequence to a terminal).
// Fields in typeCheckInputs may affect the resulting diagnostics.
func typeErrorsToDiagnostics(pkg *syntaxPackage, inputs *typeCheckInputs, errs []types.Error) []*Diagnostic {}

type importerFunc

func (f importerFunc) Import(path string) (*types.Package, error) {}