
type InitializationError

func byURI(d *Diagnostic) protocol.DocumentURI {}

type Diagnostic

func (d *Diagnostic) String() string {}

// Hash computes a hash to identify the diagnostic.
// The hash is for deduplicating within a file, so does not incorporate d.URI.
func (d *Diagnostic) Hash() file.Hash {}

type DiagnosticSource

const UnknownError

const ListError

const ParseError

const TypeError

const ModTidyError

const OptimizationDetailsError

const UpgradeNotification

const Vulncheck

const Govulncheck

const TemplateError

const WorkFileError

const ConsistencyInfo

type SuggestedFix

// SuggestedFixFromCommand returns a suggested fix to run the given command.
func SuggestedFixFromCommand(cmd *protocol.Command, kind protocol.CodeActionKind) SuggestedFix {}

type lazyFixesJSON

// bundleLazyFixes attempts to bundle sd.SuggestedFixes into the
// sd.BundledFixes field, so that it can be round-tripped through the client.
// It returns false if the fixes cannot be bundled.
func bundleLazyFixes(sd *Diagnostic) bool {}

// BundledLazyFixes extracts any bundled codeActions from the
// diag.Data field.
func BundledLazyFixes(diag protocol.Diagnostic) ([]protocol.CodeAction, error) {}