
type memoizedFS

func newMemoizedFS() *memoizedFS {}

type diskFile

func (h *diskFile) URI() protocol.DocumentURI {}

func (h *diskFile) Identity() file.Identity {}

func (h *diskFile) SameContentsOnDisk() bool {}

func (h *diskFile) Version() int32           {}

func (h *diskFile) Content() ([]byte, error) {}

// ReadFile stats and (maybe) reads the file, updates the cache, and returns it.
func (fs *memoizedFS) ReadFile(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI) (file.Handle, error) {}

// fileStats returns information about the set of files stored in fs. It is
// intended for debugging only.
func (fs *memoizedFS) fileStats() (files, largest, errs int) {}

var ioLimit

func readFile(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI, mtime time.Time) (*diskFile, error) {}