
const reservedForParsing

// fileSetWithBase returns a new token.FileSet with Base() equal to the
// requested base.
// If base < 1, fileSetWithBase panics.
// (1 is the smallest permitted FileSet base).
func fileSetWithBase(base int) *token.FileSet {}

const parseCacheMinFiles

var parsePadding

type parseCache

// newParseCache creates a new parse cache and starts a goroutine to garbage
// collect entries whose age is at least expireAfter.
// Callers must call parseCache.stop when the parse cache is no longer in use.
func newParseCache(expireAfter time.Duration) *parseCache {}

// stop causes the GC goroutine to exit.
func (c *parseCache) stop() {}

type parseKey

type parseCacheEntry

// startParse prepares a parsing pass, creating new promises in the cache for
// any cache misses.
// The resulting slice has an entry for every given file handle, though some
// entries may be nil if there was an error reading the file (in which case the
// resulting error will be non-nil).
func (c *parseCache) startParse(mode parser.Mode, purgeFuncBodies bool, fhs ...file.Handle) ([]*memoize.Promise, error) {}

func (c *parseCache) gc() {}

func (c *parseCache) gcOnce() {}

// allocateSpace reserves the next n bytes of token.Pos space in the
// cache.
// It returns the resulting file base, next base, and an offset FileSet to use
// for parsing.
func (c *parseCache) allocateSpace(size int) (int, int) {}

// parseFiles returns a parsego.File for each file handle in fhs, in the
// requested parse mode.
// For parsed files that already exists in the cache, access time will be
// updated. For others, parseFiles will parse and store as many results in the
// cache as space allows.
// The token.File for each resulting parsed file will be added to the provided
// FileSet, using the tokeninternal.AddExistingFiles API. Consequently, the
// given fset should only be used in other APIs if its base is >=
// reservedForParsing.
// If parseFiles returns an error, it still returns a slice,
// but with a nil entry for each file that could not be parsed.
func (c *parseCache) parseFiles(ctx context.Context, fset *token.FileSet, mode parser.Mode, purgeFuncBodies bool, fhs ...file.Handle) ([]*parsego.File, error) {}

type queue

func (q queue) Len() int {}

func (q queue) Less(i, j int) bool {}

func (q queue) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (q *queue) Push(x interface{}

func (q *queue) Pop() interface{}