
// NewSession creates a new gopls session with the given cache.
func NewSession(ctx context.Context, c *Cache) *Session {}

type Session

// ID returns the unique identifier for this session on this server.
func (s *Session) ID() string     {}

func (s *Session) String() string {}

// GoCommandRunner returns the gocommand Runner for this session.
func (s *Session) GoCommandRunner() *gocommand.Runner {}

// Shutdown the session and all views it has created.
func (s *Session) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) {}

// Cache returns the cache that created this session, for debugging only.
func (s *Session) Cache() *Cache {}

var ErrViewExists

// NewView creates a new View, returning it and its first snapshot. If a
// non-empty tempWorkspace directory is provided, the View will record a copy
// of its gopls workspace module in that directory, so that client tooling
// can execute in the same main module.  On success it also returns a release
// function that must be called when the Snapshot is no longer needed.
func (s *Session) NewView(ctx context.Context, folder *Folder) (*View, *Snapshot, func(), error) {}

// createView creates a new view, with an initial snapshot that retains the
// supplied context, detached from events and cancelation.
// The caller is responsible for calling the release function once.
func (s *Session) createView(ctx context.Context, def *viewDefinition) (*View, *Snapshot, func()) {}

var viewTypeKey

var rootDirKey

var goVersionKey

var buildFlagsKey

var envKey

var envOverlayKey

// RemoveView removes from the session the view rooted at the specified directory.
// It reports whether a view of that directory was removed.
func (s *Session) RemoveView(ctx context.Context, dir protocol.DocumentURI) bool {}

// View returns the view with a matching id, if present.
func (s *Session) View(id string) (*View, error) {}

// SnapshotOf returns a Snapshot corresponding to the given URI.
// In the case where the file can be  can be associated with a View by
// bestViewForURI (based on directory information alone, without package
// metadata), SnapshotOf returns the current Snapshot for that View. Otherwise,
// it awaits loading package metadata and returns a Snapshot for the first View
// containing a real (=not command-line-arguments) package for the file.
// If that also fails to find a View, SnapshotOf returns a Snapshot for the
// first view in s.views that is not shut down (i.e. s.views[0] unless we lose
// a race), for determinism in tests and so that we tend to aggregate the
// resulting command-line-arguments packages into a single view.
// SnapshotOf returns an error if a failure occurs along the way (most likely due
// to context cancellation), or if there are no Views in the Session.
// On success, the caller must call the returned function to release the snapshot.
func (s *Session) SnapshotOf(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI) (*Snapshot, func(), error) {}

var errNoViews

// viewOfLocked evaluates the best view for uri, memoizing its result in
// s.viewMap.
// Precondition: caller holds s.viewMu lock.
// May return (nil, nil) if no best view can be determined.
func (s *Session) viewOfLocked(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI) (*View, error) {}

func (s *Session) Views() []*View {}

// selectViewDefs constructs the best set of views covering the provided workspace
// folders and open files.
// This implements the zero-config algorithm of golang/go#57979.
func selectViewDefs(ctx context.Context, fs file.Source, folders []*Folder, openFiles []protocol.DocumentURI) ([]*viewDefinition, error) {}

type viewDefiner

// RelevantViews returns the views that may contain the given URI, or nil if
// none exist. A view is "relevant" if, ignoring build constraints, it may have
// a workspace package containing uri. Therefore, the definition of relevance
// depends on the view type.
func RelevantViews[V viewDefiner](ctx context.Context, fs file.Source, uri protocol.DocumentURI, views []V) ([]V, error) {}

// matchingView returns the View or viewDefinition out of relevantViews that
// matches the given file's build constraints, or nil if no match is found.
// Making this function generic is convenient so that we can avoid mapping view
// definitions back to views inside Session.DidModifyFiles, where performance
// matters. It is, however, not the cleanest application of generics.
// Note: keep this function in sync with defineView.
func matchingView[V viewDefiner](fh file.Handle, relevantViews []V) V {}

// ResetView resets the best view for the given URI.
func (s *Session) ResetView(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI) (*View, error) {}

// DidModifyFiles reports a file modification to the session. It returns
// the new snapshots after the modifications have been applied, paired with
// the affected file URIs for those snapshots.
// On success, it returns a release function that
// must be called when the snapshots are no longer needed.
// TODO(rfindley): what happens if this function fails? It must leave us in a
// broken state, which we should surface to the user, probably as a request to
// restart gopls.
func (s *Session) DidModifyFiles(ctx context.Context, modifications []file.Modification) (map[*View][]protocol.DocumentURI, error) {}

// ExpandModificationsToDirectories returns the set of changes with the
// directory changes removed and expanded to include all of the files in
// the directory.
func (s *Session) ExpandModificationsToDirectories(ctx context.Context, changes []file.Modification) []file.Modification {}

// updateOverlays updates the set of overlays and returns a map of any existing
// overlay values that were replaced.
// Precondition: caller holds s.viewMu lock.
// TODO(rfindley): move this to fs_overlay.go.
func (fs *overlayFS) updateOverlays(ctx context.Context, changes []file.Modification) (map[protocol.DocumentURI]*overlay, error) {}

func mustReadFile(ctx context.Context, fs file.Source, uri protocol.DocumentURI) file.Handle {}

type brokenFile

func (b brokenFile) URI() protocol.DocumentURI {}

func (b brokenFile) Identity() file.Identity   {}

func (b brokenFile) SameContentsOnDisk() bool  {}

func (b brokenFile) Version() int32            {}

func (b brokenFile) Content() ([]byte, error)  {}

// FileWatchingGlobPatterns returns a set of glob patterns that the client is
// required to watch for changes, and notify the server of them, in order to
// keep the server's state up to date.
// This set includes
//  1. all go.mod and files in the workspace; and
//  2. for each Snapshot, its modules (or directory for ad-hoc views). In
//     module mode, this is the set of active modules (and for VS Code, all
//     workspace directories within them, due to golang/go#42348).
// The watch for workspace and go.mod files in (1) is sufficient to
// capture changes to the repo structure that may affect the set of views.
// Whenever this set changes, we reload the workspace and invalidate memoized
// files.
// The watch for workspace directories in (2) should keep each View up to date,
// as it should capture any newly added/modified/deleted Go files.
// Patterns are returned as a set of protocol.RelativePatterns, since they can
// always be later translated to glob patterns (i.e. strings) if the client
// lacks relative pattern support. By convention, any pattern returned with
// empty baseURI should be served as a glob pattern.
// In general, we prefer to serve relative patterns, as they work better on
// most clients that support both, and do not have issues with Windows driver
// letter casing:
// TODO(golang/go#57979): we need to reset the memoizedFS when a view changes.
// Consider the case where we incidentally read a file, then it moved outside
// of an active module, and subsequently changed: we would still observe the
// original file state.
func (s *Session) FileWatchingGlobPatterns(ctx context.Context) map[protocol.RelativePattern]unit {}

// OrphanedFileDiagnostics reports diagnostics describing why open files have
// no packages or have only command-line-arguments packages.
// If the resulting diagnostic is nil, the file is either not orphaned or we
// can't produce a good diagnostic.
// The caller must not mutate the result.
func (s *Session) OrphanedFileDiagnostics(ctx context.Context) (map[protocol.DocumentURI][]*Diagnostic, error) {}