
type Snapshot

var _

func (s *Snapshot) awaitPromise(ctx context.Context, p *memoize.Promise) (interface{}

// Acquire prevents the snapshot from being destroyed until the returned
// function is called.
// (s.Acquire().release() could instead be expressed as a pair of
// method calls s.IncRef(); s.DecRef(). The latter has the advantage
// that the DecRefs are fungible and don't require holding anything in
// addition to the refcounted object s, but paradoxically that is also
// an advantage of the current approach, which forces the caller to
// consider the release function at every stage, making a reference
// leak more obvious.)
func (s *Snapshot) Acquire() func() {}

// decref should only be referenced by Acquire, and by View when it frees its
// reference to View.snapshot.
func (s *Snapshot) decref() {}

// SequenceID is the sequence id of this snapshot within its containing
// view.
// Relative to their view sequence ids are monotonically increasing, but this
// does not hold globally: when new views are created their initial snapshot
// has sequence ID 0.
func (s *Snapshot) SequenceID() uint64 {}

// SnapshotLabels returns a new slice of labels that should be used for events
// related to a snapshot.
func (s *Snapshot) Labels() []label.Label {}

// Folder returns the folder at the base of this snapshot.
func (s *Snapshot) Folder() protocol.DocumentURI {}

// View returns the View associated with this snapshot.
func (s *Snapshot) View() *View {}

// FileKind returns the kind of a file.
// We can't reliably deduce the kind from the file name alone,
// as some editors can be told to interpret a buffer as
// language different from the file name heuristic, e.g. that
// an .html file actually contains Go "html/template" syntax,
// or even that a .go file contains Python.
func (s *Snapshot) FileKind(fh file.Handle) file.Kind {}

// fileKind returns the default file kind for a file, before considering
// template file extensions. See [Snapshot.FileKind].
func fileKind(fh file.Handle) file.Kind {}

// Options returns the options associated with this snapshot.
func (s *Snapshot) Options() *settings.Options {}

// BackgroundContext returns a context used for all background processing
// on behalf of this snapshot.
func (s *Snapshot) BackgroundContext() context.Context {}

// Templates returns the .tmpl files.
func (s *Snapshot) Templates() map[protocol.DocumentURI]file.Handle {}

// RunGoModUpdateCommands runs a series of `go` commands that updates the go.mod
// and go.sum file for wd, and returns their updated contents.
// TODO(rfindley): the signature of RunGoModUpdateCommands is very confusing,
// and is the only thing forcing the ModFlag and ModFile indirection.
// Simplify it.
func (s *Snapshot) RunGoModUpdateCommands(ctx context.Context, modURI protocol.DocumentURI, run func(invoke func(...string) (*bytes.Buffer, error)) error) ([]byte, []byte, error) {}

// TempModDir creates a temporary directory with the contents of the provided
// modURI, as well as its corresponding go.sum file, if it exists. On success,
// it is the caller's responsibility to call the cleanup function to remove the
// directory when it is no longer needed.
func TempModDir(ctx context.Context, fs file.Source, modURI protocol.DocumentURI) (dir string, _ func(), rerr error) {}

type AllowNetwork

const NoNetwork

const NetworkOK

// GoCommandInvocation populates inv with configuration for running go commands
// on the snapshot.
// On success, the caller must call the cleanup function exactly once
// when the invocation is no longer needed.
// TODO(rfindley): although this function has been simplified significantly,
// additional refactoring is still required: the responsibility for Env and
// BuildFlags should be more clearly expressed in the API.
// If allowNetwork is NoNetwork, set GOPROXY=off.
func (s *Snapshot) GoCommandInvocation(allowNetwork AllowNetwork, dir, verb string, args []string, env ...string) (_ *gocommand.Invocation, cleanup func(), _ error) {}

// buildOverlays returns a new mapping from logical file name to
// effective content, for each unsaved editor buffer, in the same form
// as [packages.Cfg]'s Overlay field.
func (s *Snapshot) buildOverlays() map[string][]byte {}

// Overlays returns the set of overlays at this snapshot.
// Note that this may differ from the set of overlays on the server, if the
// snapshot observed a historical state.
func (s *Snapshot) Overlays() []*overlay {}

const xrefsKind

const methodSetsKind

const testsKind

const exportDataKind

const diagnosticsKind

const typerefsKind

// PackageDiagnostics returns diagnostics for files contained in specified
// packages.
// If these diagnostics cannot be loaded from cache, the requested packages
// may be type-checked.
func (s *Snapshot) PackageDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, ids ...PackageID) (map[protocol.DocumentURI][]*Diagnostic, error) {}

// References returns cross-reference indexes for the specified packages.
// If these indexes cannot be loaded from cache, the requested packages may
// be type-checked.
func (s *Snapshot) References(ctx context.Context, ids ...PackageID) ([]xrefIndex, error) {}

type xrefIndex

func (index xrefIndex) Lookup(targets map[PackagePath]map[objectpath.Path]struct{}

// MethodSets returns method-set indexes for the specified packages.
// If these indexes cannot be loaded from cache, the requested packages may
// be type-checked.
func (s *Snapshot) MethodSets(ctx context.Context, ids ...PackageID) ([]*methodsets.Index, error) {}

// Tests returns test-set indexes for the specified packages. There is a
// one-to-one correspondence between ID and Index.
// If these indexes cannot be loaded from cache, the requested packages may be
// type-checked.
func (s *Snapshot) Tests(ctx context.Context, ids ...PackageID) ([]*testfuncs.Index, error) {}

// MetadataForFile returns a new slice containing metadata for each
// package containing the Go file identified by uri, ordered by the
// number of CompiledGoFiles (i.e. "narrowest" to "widest" package),
// and secondarily by IsIntermediateTestVariant (false < true).
// The result may include tests and intermediate test variants of
// importable packages.
// It returns an error if the context was cancelled.
func (s *Snapshot) MetadataForFile(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI) ([]*metadata.Package, error) {}

func boolLess(x, y bool) bool {}

// ReverseDependencies returns a new mapping whose entries are
// the ID and Metadata of each package in the workspace that
// directly or transitively depend on the package denoted by id,
// excluding id itself.
func (s *Snapshot) ReverseDependencies(ctx context.Context, id PackageID, transitive bool) (map[PackageID]*metadata.Package, error) {}

// See Session.FileWatchingGlobPatterns for a description of gopls' file
// watching heuristic.
func (s *Snapshot) fileWatchingGlobPatterns() map[protocol.RelativePattern]unit {}

func (s *Snapshot) addKnownSubdirs(patterns map[protocol.RelativePattern]unit, wsDirs []string) {}

// watchSubdirs reports whether gopls should request separate file watchers for
// each relevant subdirectory. This is necessary only for clients (namely VS
// Code) that do not send notifications for individual files in a directory
// when the entire directory is deleted.
func (s *Snapshot) watchSubdirs() bool {}

// filesInDir returns all files observed by the snapshot that are contained in
// a directory with the provided URI.
func (s *Snapshot) filesInDir(uri protocol.DocumentURI) []protocol.DocumentURI {}

// WorkspaceMetadata returns a new, unordered slice containing
// metadata for all ordinary and test packages (but not
// intermediate test variants) in the workspace.
// The workspace is the set of modules typically defined by a
// file. It is not transitively closed: for example,
// the standard library is not usually part of the workspace
// even though every module in the workspace depends on it.
// Operations that must inspect all the dependencies of the
// workspace packages should instead use AllMetadata.
func (s *Snapshot) WorkspaceMetadata(ctx context.Context) ([]*metadata.Package, error) {}

// isWorkspacePackage reports whether the given package ID refers to a
// workspace package for the snapshot.
func (s *Snapshot) isWorkspacePackage(id PackageID) bool {}

// Symbols extracts and returns symbol information for every file contained in
// a loaded package. It awaits snapshot loading.
// If workspaceOnly is set, this only includes symbols from files in a
// workspace package. Otherwise, it returns symbols from all loaded packages.
// TODO(rfindley): move to symbols.go.
func (s *Snapshot) Symbols(ctx context.Context, workspaceOnly bool) (map[protocol.DocumentURI][]Symbol, error) {}

// AllMetadata returns a new unordered array of metadata for
// all packages known to this snapshot, which includes the
// packages of all workspace modules plus their transitive
// import dependencies.
// It may also contain ad-hoc packages for standalone files.
// It includes all test variants.
// TODO(rfindley): Replace this with s.MetadataGraph().
func (s *Snapshot) AllMetadata(ctx context.Context) ([]*metadata.Package, error) {}

// GoModForFile returns the URI of the go.mod file for the given URI.
// TODO(rfindley): clarify that this is only active modules. Or update to just
// use findRootPattern.
func (s *Snapshot) GoModForFile(uri protocol.DocumentURI) protocol.DocumentURI {}

func moduleForURI(modFiles map[protocol.DocumentURI]struct{}

// Metadata returns the metadata for the specified package,
// or nil if it was not found.
func (s *Snapshot) Metadata(id PackageID) *metadata.Package {}

// clearShouldLoad clears package IDs that no longer need to be reloaded after
// scopes has been loaded.
func (s *Snapshot) clearShouldLoad(scopes ...loadScope) {}

// FindFile returns the FileHandle for the given URI, if it is already
// in the given snapshot.
// TODO(adonovan): delete this operation; use ReadFile instead.
func (s *Snapshot) FindFile(uri protocol.DocumentURI) file.Handle {}

// ReadFile returns a File for the given URI. If the file is unknown it is added
// to the managed set.
// ReadFile succeeds even if the file does not exist. A non-nil error return
// indicates some type of internal error, for example if ctx is cancelled.
func (s *Snapshot) ReadFile(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI) (file.Handle, error) {}

type lockedSnapshot

func (s lockedSnapshot) ReadFile(ctx context.Context, uri protocol.DocumentURI) (file.Handle, error) {}

// preloadFiles delegates to the view FileSource to read the requested uris in
// parallel, without holding the snapshot lock.
func (s *Snapshot) preloadFiles(ctx context.Context, uris []protocol.DocumentURI) {}

// IsOpen returns whether the editor currently has a file open.
func (s *Snapshot) IsOpen(uri protocol.DocumentURI) bool {}

// MetadataGraph returns the current metadata graph for the Snapshot.
func (s *Snapshot) MetadataGraph() *metadata.Graph {}

// InitializationError returns the last error from initialization.
func (s *Snapshot) InitializationError() *InitializationError {}

// awaitLoaded awaits initialization and package reloading, and returns
// ctx.Err().
func (s *Snapshot) awaitLoaded(ctx context.Context) error {}

// AwaitInitialized waits until the snapshot's view is initialized.
func (s *Snapshot) AwaitInitialized(ctx context.Context) {}

// reloadWorkspace reloads the metadata for all invalidated workspace packages.
func (s *Snapshot) reloadWorkspace(ctx context.Context) {}

func (s *Snapshot) orphanedFileDiagnostics(ctx context.Context, overlays []*overlay) ([]*Diagnostic, error) {}

// orphanedFileDiagnosticRange returns the position to use for orphaned file diagnostics.
// We only warn about an orphaned file if it is well-formed enough to actually
// be part of a package. Otherwise, we need more information.
func orphanedFileDiagnosticRange(ctx context.Context, cache *parseCache, fh file.Handle) (*parsego.File, protocol.Range, bool) {}

// TODO(golang/go#53756): this function needs to consider more than just the
// absolute URI, for example:
//   - the position of /vendor/ with respect to the relevant module root
//   - whether or not is in use (as vendoring isn't supported in workspace mode)
// Most likely, each call site of inVendor needs to be reconsidered to
// understand and correctly implement the desired behavior.
func inVendor(uri protocol.DocumentURI) bool {}

// clone copies state from the receiver into a new Snapshot, applying the given
// state changes.
// The caller of clone must call Snapshot.decref on the returned
// snapshot when they are finished using it.
// The resulting bool reports whether the change invalidates any derived
// diagnostics for the snapshot, for example because it invalidates Packages or
// parsed go.mod files. This is used to mark a view as needing diagnosis in the
// server.
// TODO(rfindley): long term, it may be better to move responsibility for
// diagnostics into the Snapshot (e.g. a Snapshot.Diagnostics method), at which
// point the Snapshot could be responsible for tracking and forwarding a
// 'viewsToDiagnose' field. As is, this field is instead externalized in the
// server.viewsToDiagnose map. Moving it to the snapshot would entirely
// eliminate any 'relevance' heuristics from Session.DidModifyFiles, but would
// also require more strictness about diagnostic dependencies. For example,
// template.Diagnostics currently re-parses every time: there is no Snapshot
// data responsible for providing these diagnostics.
func (s *Snapshot) clone(ctx, bgCtx context.Context, changed StateChange, done func()) (*Snapshot, bool) {}

// cloneWithout clones m then deletes from it the keys of changes.
// The optional didDelete variable is set to true if there were deletions.
func cloneWithout[K constraints.Ordered, V1, V2 any](m *persistent.Map[K, V1], changes map[K]V2, didDelete *bool) *persistent.Map[K, V1] {}

// cloneWith clones m then inserts the changes into it.
func cloneWith[K constraints.Ordered, V any](m *persistent.Map[K, V], changes map[K]V) *persistent.Map[K, V] {}

// deleteMostRelevantModFile deletes the mod file most likely to be the mod
// file for the changed URI, if it exists.
// Specifically, this is the longest mod file path in a directory containing
// changed. This might not be accurate if there is another mod file closer to
// changed that happens not to be present in the map, but that's OK: the goal
// of this function is to guarantee that IF the nearest mod file is present in
// the map, it is invalidated.
func deleteMostRelevantModFile(m *persistent.Map[protocol.DocumentURI, *memoize.Promise], changed protocol.DocumentURI) {}

// invalidatedPackageIDs returns all packages invalidated by a change to uri.
// If we haven't seen this URI before, we guess based on files in the same
// directory. This is of course incorrect in build systems where packages are
// not organized by directory.
// If packageFileChanged is set, the file is either a new file, or has a new
// package name. In this case, all known packages in the directory will be
// invalidated.
func invalidatedPackageIDs(uri protocol.DocumentURI, known map[protocol.DocumentURI][]PackageID, packageFileChanged bool) map[PackageID]struct{}

// fileWasSaved reports whether the FileHandle passed in has been saved. It
// accomplishes this by checking to see if the original and current FileHandles
// are both overlays, and if the current FileHandle is saved while the original
// FileHandle was not saved.
func fileWasSaved(originalFH, currentFH file.Handle) bool {}

// metadataChanges detects features of the change from oldFH->newFH that may
// affect package metadata.
// It uses lockedSnapshot to access cached parse information. lockedSnapshot
// must be locked.
// The result parameters have the following meaning:
//   - invalidate means that package metadata for packages containing the file
//     should be invalidated.
//   - pkgFileChanged means that the file->package associates for the file have
//     changed (possibly because the file is new, or because its package name has
//     changed).
//   - importDeleted means that an import has been deleted, or we can't
//     determine if an import was deleted due to errors.
func metadataChanges(ctx context.Context, lockedSnapshot *Snapshot, oldFH, newFH file.Handle) (invalidate, pkgFileChanged, importDeleted bool) {}

func magicCommentsChanged(original *ast.File, current *ast.File) bool {}

// validImportPaths extracts the set of valid import paths from imports.
func validImportPaths(imports []*ast.ImportSpec) map[string]struct{}

func validImportPath(path string) bool {}

var buildConstraintOrEmbedRe

// extractMagicComments finds magic comments that affect metadata in f.
func extractMagicComments(f *ast.File) []string {}

// BuiltinFile returns the pseudo-source file builtins.go,
// parsed with legacy ast.Object resolution.
func (s *Snapshot) BuiltinFile(ctx context.Context) (*parsego.File, error) {}

// IsBuiltin reports whether uri is part of the builtin package.
func (s *Snapshot) IsBuiltin(uri protocol.DocumentURI) bool {}

func (s *Snapshot) setBuiltin(path string) {}

// WantGCDetails reports whether to compute GC optimization details for the
// specified package.
func (s *Snapshot) WantGCDetails(id metadata.PackageID) bool {}

type CodeLensSourceFunc