
type Folder

type GoEnv

type View

// definition implements the viewDefiner interface.
func (v *View) definition() *viewDefinition {}

type viewDefinition

// definition implements the viewDefiner interface.
func (d *viewDefinition) definition() *viewDefinition {}

// Type returns the ViewType type, which determines how go/packages are loaded
// for this View.
func (d *viewDefinition) Type() ViewType {}

// Root returns the view root, which determines where packages are loaded from.
func (d *viewDefinition) Root() protocol.DocumentURI {}

// GoMod returns the nearest go.mod file for this view's root, or "".
func (d *viewDefinition) GoMod() protocol.DocumentURI {}

// GoWork returns the nearest file for this view's root, or "".
func (d *viewDefinition) GoWork() protocol.DocumentURI {}

// EnvOverlay returns a new sorted slice of environment variables (in the form
// "k=v") for this view definition's env overlay.
func (d *viewDefinition) EnvOverlay() []string {}

// GOOS returns the effective GOOS value for this view definition, accounting
// for its env overlay.
func (d *viewDefinition) GOOS() string {}

// GOARCH returns the effective GOARCH value for this view definition, accounting
// for its env overlay.
func (d *viewDefinition) GOARCH() string {}

// adjustedGO111MODULE is the value of GO111MODULE to use for loading packages.
// It is adjusted to default to "auto" rather than "on", since if we are in
// GOPATH and have no module, we may as well allow a GOPATH view to work.
func (d viewDefinition) adjustedGO111MODULE() string {}

// ModFiles are the go.mod files enclosed in the snapshot's view and known
// to the snapshot.
func (d viewDefinition) ModFiles() []protocol.DocumentURI {}

// viewDefinitionsEqual reports whether x and y are equivalent.
func viewDefinitionsEqual(x, y *viewDefinition) bool {}

type ViewType

const GoPackagesDriverView

const GOPATHView

const GoModView

const GoWorkView

const AdHocView

func (t ViewType) String() string {}

// usesModules reports whether the view uses Go modules.
func (typ ViewType) usesModules() bool {}

// ID returns the unique ID of this View.
func (v *View) ID() string {}

// GoCommandRunner returns the shared gocommand.Runner for this view.
func (v *View) GoCommandRunner() *gocommand.Runner {}

// Folder returns the folder at the base of this view.
func (v *View) Folder() *Folder {}

// Env returns the environment to use for running go commands in this view.
func (v *View) Env() []string {}

// UpdateFolders updates the set of views for the new folders.
// Calling this causes each view to be reinitialized.
func (s *Session) UpdateFolders(ctx context.Context, newFolders []*Folder) error {}

// RunProcessEnvFunc runs fn with the process env for this snapshot's view.
// Note: the process env contains cached module and filesystem state.
func (s *Snapshot) RunProcessEnvFunc(ctx context.Context, fn func(context.Context, *imports.Options) error) error {}

// separated out from its sole use in locateTemplateFiles for testability
func fileHasExtension(path string, suffixes []string) bool {}

// locateTemplateFiles ensures that the snapshot has mapped template files
// within the workspace folder.
func (s *Snapshot) locateTemplateFiles(ctx context.Context) {}

// filterFunc returns a func that reports whether uri is filtered by the currently configured
// directoryFilters.
func (v *View) filterFunc() func(protocol.DocumentURI) bool {}

// shutdown releases resources associated with the view.
func (v *View) shutdown() {}

// ScanImports scans the module cache synchronously.
// For use in tests.
func (v *View) ScanImports() {}

// IgnoredFile reports if a file would be ignored by a `go list` of the whole
// workspace.
// While go list ./... skips directories starting with '.', '_', or 'testdata',
// gopls may still load them via file queries. Explicitly filter them out.
func (s *Snapshot) IgnoredFile(uri protocol.DocumentURI) bool {}

type ignoreFilter

// newIgnoreFilter returns a new ignoreFilter implementing exclusion rules
// relative to the provided directories.
func newIgnoreFilter(dirs []string) *ignoreFilter {}

func (f *ignoreFilter) ignored(filename string) bool {}

// checkIgnored implements go list's exclusion rules.
// Quoting “go help list”:
//	Directory and file names that begin with "." or "_" are ignored
//	by the go tool, as are directories named "testdata".
func checkIgnored(suffix string) bool {}

// Snapshot returns the current snapshot for the view, and a
// release function that must be called when the Snapshot is
// no longer needed.
// The resulting error is non-nil if and only if the view is shut down, in
// which case the resulting release function will also be nil.
func (v *View) Snapshot() (*Snapshot, func(), error) {}

// initialize loads the metadata (and currently, file contents, due to
// golang/go#57558) for the main package query of the View, which depends on
// the view type (see ViewType). If s.initialized is already true, initialize
// is a no op.
// The first attempt--which populates the first snapshot for a new view--must
// be allowed to run to completion without being cancelled.
// Subsequent attempts are triggered by conditions where gopls can't enumerate
// specific packages that require reloading, such as a change to a go.mod file.
// These attempts may be cancelled, and then retried by a later call.
// Postcondition: if ctx was not cancelled, s.initialized is true, s.initialErr
// holds the error resulting from initialization, if any, and s.metadata holds
// the resulting metadata graph.
func (s *Snapshot) initialize(ctx context.Context, firstAttempt bool) {}

type StateChange

// InvalidateView processes the provided state change, invalidating any derived
// results that depend on the changed state.
// The resulting snapshot is non-nil, representing the outcome of the state
// change. The second result is a function that must be called to release the
// snapshot when the snapshot is no longer needed.
// An error is returned if the given view is no longer active in the session.
func (s *Session) InvalidateView(ctx context.Context, view *View, changed StateChange) (*Snapshot, func(), error) {}

// invalidateViewLocked invalidates the content of the given view.
// (See [Session.InvalidateView]).
// The resulting bool reports whether the View needs to be re-diagnosed.
// (See [Snapshot.clone]).
// s.viewMu must be held while calling this method.
func (s *Session) invalidateViewLocked(ctx context.Context, v *View, changed StateChange) (*Snapshot, func(), bool) {}

// defineView computes the view definition for the provided workspace folder
// and URI.
// If forURI is non-empty, this view should be the best view including forURI.
// Otherwise, it is the default view for the folder.
// defineView only returns an error in the event of context cancellation.
// Note: keep this function in sync with bestView.
// TODO(rfindley): we should be able to remove the error return, as
// findModules is going away, and all other I/O is memoized.
// TODO(rfindley): pass in a narrower interface for the file.Source
// (e.g. fileExists func(DocumentURI) bool) to make clear that this
// process depends only on directory information, not file contents.
func defineView(ctx context.Context, fs file.Source, folder *Folder, forFile file.Handle) (*viewDefinition, error) {}

// FetchGoEnv queries the environment and Go command to collect environment
// variables necessary for the workspace folder.
func FetchGoEnv(ctx context.Context, folder protocol.DocumentURI, opts *settings.Options) (*GoEnv, error) {}

// loadGoEnv loads `go env` values into the provided map, keyed by Go variable
// name.
func loadGoEnv(ctx context.Context, dir string, configEnv []string, runner *gocommand.Runner, vars map[string]*string) error {}

// findRootPattern looks for files with the given basename in dir or any parent
// directory of dir, using the provided FileSource. It returns the first match,
// starting from dir and search parents.
// The resulting string is either the file path of a matching file with the
// given basename, or "" if none was found.
// findRootPattern only returns an error in the case of context cancellation.
func findRootPattern(ctx context.Context, dirURI protocol.DocumentURI, basename string, fs file.Source) (protocol.DocumentURI, error) {}

var checkPathValid

// CheckPathValid checks whether a directory is suitable as a workspace folder.
func CheckPathValid(dir string) error {}

func defaultCheckPathValid(path string) error {}

// IsGoPrivatePath reports whether target is a private import path, as identified
// by the GOPRIVATE environment variable.
func (s *Snapshot) IsGoPrivatePath(target string) bool {}

// ModuleUpgrades returns known module upgrades for the dependencies of
// modfile.
func (s *Snapshot) ModuleUpgrades(modfile protocol.DocumentURI) map[string]string {}

var MaxGovulncheckResultAge

// Vulnerabilities returns known vulnerabilities for the given modfile.
// Results more than an hour old are excluded.
// TODO(suzmue): replace command.Vuln with a different type, maybe
// TODO(rfindley): move to snapshot.go
func (s *Snapshot) Vulnerabilities(modfiles ...protocol.DocumentURI) map[protocol.DocumentURI]*vulncheck.Result {}

// GoVersion returns the effective release Go version (the X in go1.X) for this
// view.
func (v *View) GoVersion() int {}

// GoVersionString returns the effective Go version string for this view.
// Unlike [GoVersion], this encodes the minor version and commit hash information.
func (v *View) GoVersionString() string {}

// GoVersionString is temporarily available from the snapshot.
// TODO(rfindley): refactor so that this method is not necessary.
func (s *Snapshot) GoVersionString() string {}

// Copied from
func globsMatchPath(globs, target string) bool {}

var modFlagRegexp

// TODO(rfindley): clean up the redundancy of allFilesExcluded,
// pathExcludedByFilterFunc, pathExcludedByFilter, view.filterFunc...
func allFilesExcluded(files []string, filterFunc func(protocol.DocumentURI) bool) bool {}

func relPathExcludedByFilter(path string, filterer *Filterer) bool {}