
// CodeActions returns all enabled code actions (edits and other
// commands) available for the selected range.
// Depending on how the request was triggered, fewer actions may be
// offered, e.g. to avoid UI distractions after mere cursor motion.
// See ../protocol/codeactionkind.go for some code action theory.
func CodeActions(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, fh file.Handle, rng protocol.Range, diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic, enabled func(protocol.CodeActionKind) bool, trigger protocol.CodeActionTriggerKind) (actions []protocol.CodeAction, _ error) {}

type codeActionsRequest

// addApplyFixAction adds an ApplyFix command-based CodeAction to the result.
func (req *codeActionsRequest) addApplyFixAction(title, fix string, loc protocol.Location) {}

// addCommandAction adds a CodeAction to the result based on the provided command.
// If allowResolveEdits (and the client supports codeAction/resolve)
// then the command is embedded into the code action data field so
// that the client can later ask the server to "resolve" a command
// into an edit that they can preview and apply selectively.
// Set allowResolveEdits only for actions that generate edits.
// Otherwise, the command is set as the code action operation.
func (req *codeActionsRequest) addCommandAction(cmd *protocol.Command, allowResolveEdits bool) {}

// addCommandAction adds an edit-based CodeAction to the result.
func (req *codeActionsRequest) addEditAction(title string, fixedDiagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic, changes ...protocol.DocumentChange) {}

// addAction adds a code action to the response.
func (req *codeActionsRequest) addAction(act protocol.CodeAction) {}

// resolveEdits reports whether the client can resolve edits lazily.
func (req *codeActionsRequest) resolveEdits() bool {}

// lazyInit[*T](ctx, req) returns a pointer to an instance of T,
// calling new(T).init(ctx.req) on the first request.
// It is conceptually a (generic) method of req.
func lazyInit[P interface {}

type codeActionProducer

var codeActionProducers

// sourceOrganizeImports produces "Organize Imports" code actions.
func sourceOrganizeImports(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// quickFix produces code actions that fix errors,
// for example by adding/deleting/renaming imports,
// or declaring the missing methods of a type.
func quickFix(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

type allImportsFixesResult

func (res *allImportsFixesResult) init(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) {}

func importFixTitle(fix *imports.ImportFix) string {}

// fixedByImportFix filters the provided slice of diagnostics to those that
// would be fixed by the provided imports fix.
func fixedByImportFix(fix *imports.ImportFix, diagnostics []protocol.Diagnostic) []protocol.Diagnostic {}

// goFreeSymbols produces "Browse free symbols" code actions.
// See [server.commandHandler.FreeSymbols] for command implementation.
func goFreeSymbols(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// goplsDocFeatures produces "Browse gopls feature documentation" code actions.
// See [server.commandHandler.ClientOpenURL] for command implementation.
func goplsDocFeatures(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// goDoc produces "Browse documentation for X" code actions.
// See [server.commandHandler.Doc] for command implementation.
func goDoc(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// refactorExtractFunction produces "Extract function" code actions.
// See [extractFunction] for command implementation.
func refactorExtractFunction(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// refactorExtractMethod produces "Extract method" code actions.
// See [extractMethod] for command implementation.
func refactorExtractMethod(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// refactorExtractVariable produces "Extract variable" code actions.
// See [extractVariable] for command implementation.
func refactorExtractVariable(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// refactorExtractToNewFile produces "Extract declarations to new file" code actions.
// See [server.commandHandler.ExtractToNewFile] for command implementation.
func refactorExtractToNewFile(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// addTest produces "Add test for FUNC" code actions.
// See [server.commandHandler.AddTest] for command implementation.
func addTest(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// identityTransform returns a change signature transformation that leaves the
// given fieldlist unmodified.
func identityTransform(fields *ast.FieldList) []command.ChangeSignatureParam {}

// refactorRewriteRemoveUnusedParam produces "Remove unused parameter" code actions.
// See [server.commandHandler.ChangeSignature] for command implementation.
func refactorRewriteRemoveUnusedParam(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

func refactorRewriteMoveParamLeft(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

func refactorRewriteMoveParamRight(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// refactorRewriteChangeQuote produces "Convert to {raw,interpreted} string literal" code actions.
func refactorRewriteChangeQuote(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// refactorRewriteChangeQuote produces "Invert 'if' condition" code actions.
// See [invertIfCondition] for command implementation.
func refactorRewriteInvertIf(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// refactorRewriteSplitLines produces "Split ITEMS into separate lines" code actions.
// See [splitLines] for command implementation.
func refactorRewriteSplitLines(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// refactorRewriteJoinLines produces "Join ITEMS into one line" code actions.
// See [joinLines] for command implementation.
func refactorRewriteJoinLines(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// refactorRewriteFillStruct produces "Fill STRUCT" code actions.
// See [fillstruct.SuggestedFix] for command implementation.
func refactorRewriteFillStruct(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// refactorRewriteFillSwitch produces "Add cases for TYPE/ENUM" code actions.
func refactorRewriteFillSwitch(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// removableParameter returns paramInfo about a removable parameter indicated
// by the given [start, end) range, or nil if no such removal is available.
// Removing a parameter is possible if
//   - there are no parse or type errors, and
//   - [start, end) is contained within an unused field or parameter name
//   - ... of a non-method function declaration.
// (Note that the unusedparam analyzer also computes this property, but
// much more precisely, allowing it to report its findings as diagnostics.)
// TODO(adonovan): inline into refactorRewriteRemoveUnusedParam.
func removableParameter(pkg *cache.Package, pgf *parsego.File, rng protocol.Range) *paramInfo {}

// refactorInlineCall produces "Inline call to FUNC" code actions.
// See [inlineCall] for command implementation.
func refactorInlineCall(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// goTest produces "Run tests and benchmarks" code actions.
// See [server.commandHandler.runTests] for command implementation.
func goTest(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}

// goAssembly produces "Browse ARCH assembly for FUNC" code actions.
// See [server.commandHandler.Assembly] for command implementation.
func goAssembly(ctx context.Context, req *codeActionsRequest) error {}