
type CompletionItem

type completionOptions

// Snippet is a convenience returns the snippet if available, otherwise
// the InsertText.
// used for an item, depending on if the callee wants placeholders or not.
func (i *CompletionItem) Snippet() string {}

// addConversion wraps the existing completionItem in a conversion expression.
// Only affects the receiver's InsertText and snippet fields, not the Label.
// An empty conv argument has no effect.
func (i *CompletionItem) addConversion(c *completer, conv conversionEdits) error {}

const stdScore

const highScore

const lowScore

type matcher

type prefixMatcher

func (pm prefixMatcher) Score(candidateLabel string) float32 {}

type insensitivePrefixMatcher

func (ipm insensitivePrefixMatcher) Score(candidateLabel string) float32 {}

type completer

// tooNew reports whether obj is a standard library symbol that is too
// new for the specified Go version.
func (c *completer) tooNew(obj types.Object) bool {}

type funcInfo

type compLitInfo

type importInfo

type methodSetKey

type completionContext

type Selection

// Range returns the surrounding identifier's protocol.Range.
func (p Selection) Range() (protocol.Range, error) {}

// PrefixRange returns the protocol.Range of the prefix of the selection.
func (p Selection) PrefixRange() (protocol.Range, error) {}

func (p Selection) Prefix() string {}

func (p Selection) Suffix() string {}

func (c *completer) setSurrounding(ident *ast.Ident) {}

func (c *completer) setMatcherFromPrefix(prefix string) {}

func (c *completer) getSurrounding() *Selection {}

type candidate

func (c candidate) hasMod(mod typeModKind) bool {}

// Completion returns a list of possible candidates for completion, given a
// a file and a position.
// The selection is computed based on the preceding identifier and can be used by
// the client to score the quality of the completion. For instance, some clients
// may tolerate imperfect matches as valid completion results, since users may make typos.
func Completion(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, fh file.Handle, protoPos protocol.Position, protoContext protocol.CompletionContext) ([]CompletionItem, *Selection, error) {}

// collectCompletions adds possible completion candidates to either the deep
// search queue or completion items directly for different completion contexts.
func (c *completer) collectCompletions(ctx context.Context) error {}

// containingIdent returns the *ast.Ident containing pos, if any. It
// synthesizes an *ast.Ident to allow completion in the face of
// certain syntax errors.
func (c *completer) containingIdent(src []byte) *ast.Ident {}

// scanToken scans pgh's contents for the token containing pos.
func (c *completer) scanToken(contents []byte) (token.Pos, token.Token, string) {}

func (c *completer) sortItems() {}

// emptySwitchStmt reports whether pos is in an empty switch or select
// statement.
func (c *completer) emptySwitchStmt() bool {}

// populateImportCompletions yields completions for an import path around the cursor.
// Completions are suggested at the directory depth of the given import path so
// that we don't overwhelm the user with a large list of possibilities. As an
// example, a completion for the prefix "golang" results in "".
// Completions for "" yield its subdirectories
// (i.e. ""). The user is meant to accept completion suggestions
// until they reach a complete import path.
func (c *completer) populateImportCompletions(searchImport *ast.ImportSpec) error {}

// populateCommentCompletions yields completions for comments preceding or in declarations.
func (c *completer) populateCommentCompletions(comment *ast.CommentGroup) {}

// sets word boundaries surrounding a cursor for a comment
func (c *completer) setSurroundingForComment(comments *ast.CommentGroup) {}

// isValidIdentifierChar returns true if a byte is a valid go identifier
// character, i.e. unicode letter or digit or underscore.
func isValidIdentifierChar(char byte) bool {}

// adds struct fields, interface methods, function declaration fields to completion
func (c *completer) addFieldItems(fields *ast.FieldList) {}

func wantStructFieldCompletions(enclosingCl *compLitInfo) bool {}

func (c *completer) wantTypeName() bool {}

const maxUnimportedPackageNames

const unimportedMemberTarget

// selector finds completions for the specified selector expression.
func (c *completer) selector(ctx context.Context, sel *ast.SelectorExpr) error {}

// unimportedScore returns a score for an unimported package that is generally
// lower than other candidates.
func unimportedScore(relevance float64) float64 {}

func (c *completer) packageMembers(pkg *types.Package, score float64, imp *importInfo, cb func(candidate)) {}

// ignoreUnimportedCompletion reports whether an unimported completion
// resulting in the given import should be ignored.
func ignoreUnimportedCompletion(fix *imports.ImportFix) bool {}

func (c *completer) methodsAndFields(typ types.Type, addressable bool, imp *importInfo, cb func(candidate)) {}

// isStarTestingDotF reports whether typ is *testing.F.
func isStarTestingDotF(typ types.Type) bool {}

// lexical finds completions in the lexical environment.
func (c *completer) lexical(ctx context.Context) error {}

// injectType manufactures candidates based on the given type. This is
// intended for types not discoverable via lexical search, such as
// composite and/or generic types. For example, if the type is "[]int",
// this method makes sure you get candidates "[]int{}" and "[]int"
// (the latter applies when completing a type name).
func (c *completer) injectType(ctx context.Context, t types.Type) {}

func (c *completer) unimportedPackages(ctx context.Context, seen map[string]struct{}

// alreadyImports reports whether f has an import with the specified path.
func alreadyImports(f *ast.File, path golang.ImportPath) bool {}

func (c *completer) inConstDecl() bool {}

// structLiteralFieldName finds completions for struct field names inside a struct literal.
func (c *completer) structLiteralFieldName(ctx context.Context) error {}

// enclosingCompositeLiteral returns information about the composite literal enclosing the
// position.
func enclosingCompositeLiteral(path []ast.Node, pos token.Pos, info *types.Info) *compLitInfo {}

// enclosingFunction returns the signature and body of the function
// enclosing the given position.
func enclosingFunction(path []ast.Node, info *types.Info) *funcInfo {}

func expectedCompositeLiteralType(clInfo *compLitInfo, pos token.Pos) types.Type {}

type typeMod

type typeModKind

const dereference

const reference

const chanRead

const sliceType

const arrayType

const invoke

const takeSlice

const takeDotDotDot

const index

type objKind

const kindAny

const kindArray

const kindSlice

const kindChan

const kindMap

const kindStruct

const kindString

const kindInt

const kindBool

const kindBytes

const kindPtr

const kindInterface

const kindFloat

const kindComplex

const kindError

const kindStringer

const kindFunc

const kindRange0Func

const kindRange1Func

const kindRange2Func

type penalizedObj

type candidateInference

type typeNameInference

// expectedCandidate returns information about the expected candidate
// for an expression at the query position.
func expectedCandidate(ctx context.Context, c *completer) (inf candidateInference) {}

// inferExpectedResultTypes takes the index of a call expression within the completion
// path and uses its surroundings to infer the expected result tuple of the call's signature.
// Returns the signature result tuple as a slice, or nil if reverse type inference fails.
// # For example
// func generic[T any, U any](a T, b U) (T, U) { ... }
// var x TypeA
// var y TypeB
// x, y := generic(<cursor>, <cursor>)
// inferExpectedResultTypes can determine that the expected result type of the function is (TypeA, TypeB)
func inferExpectedResultTypes(c *completer, callNodeIdx int) []types.Type {}

// expectedSendStmtType return the expected type at the position.
// Returns nil if unknown.
func expectedSendStmtType(pkg *cache.Package, node *ast.SendStmt, pos token.Pos) types.Type {}

// expectedValueSpecType returns the expected type of a ValueSpec at the query
// position.
func expectedValueSpecType(pkg *cache.Package, node *ast.ValueSpec, pos token.Pos) types.Type {}

// expectedAssignStmtTypes analyzes the provided assignStmt, and checks
// to see if the provided pos is within a RHS expresison. If so, it report
// the expected type of that expression, and the LHS type(s) to which it
// is being assigned.
func expectedAssignStmtTypes(pkg *cache.Package, node *ast.AssignStmt, pos token.Pos) (objType types.Type, assignees []types.Type) {}

// expectedReturnStmtType returns the expected type of a return statement.
// Returns nil if enclosingSig is nil.
func expectedReturnStmtType(enclosingSig *types.Signature, node *ast.ReturnStmt, pos token.Pos) types.Type {}

// Returns the number of type arguments in a callExpr
func (c *completer) getTypeArgs(callExpr *ast.CallExpr) []types.Type {}

// reverseInferTypeArgs takes a generic signature, a list of passed type arguments, and the expected concrete return types
// inferred from the signature's call site. If possible, it returns a list of types that could be used as the type arguments
// to the signature. If not possible, it returns nil.
// Does not panic if any of the arguments are nil.
func reverseInferTypeArgs(sig *types.Signature, typeArgs []types.Type, expectedResults []types.Type) []types.Type {}

// inferExpectedTypeArg gives a type param candidateInference based on the surroundings of it's call site.
// If successful, the inf parameter is returned with only it's objType field updated.
// callNodeIdx is the index within the completion path of the type parameter's parent call expression.
// typeParamIdx is the index of the type parameter at the completion pos.
func (c *completer) inferExpectedTypeArg(callNodeIdx int, typeParamIdx int) types.Type {}

// Instantiates a signature with a set of type parameters.
// Wrapper around types.Instantiate but bad arguments won't cause a panic.
func instantiate(sig *types.Signature, substs []types.Type) *types.Signature {}

func (c *completer) expectedCallParamType(inf candidateInference, node *ast.CallExpr, sig *types.Signature) candidateInference {}

func expectedConstraint(t types.Type, idx int) types.Type {}

// objChain decomposes e into a chain of objects if possible. For
// example, "" will yield []types.Object{foo, bar, baz}.
// If any part can't be turned into an object, return nil.
func objChain(info *types.Info, e ast.Expr) []types.Object {}

// applyTypeModifiers applies the list of type modifiers to a type.
// It returns nil if the modifiers could not be applied.
func (ci candidateInference) applyTypeModifiers(typ types.Type, addressable bool) types.Type {}

// applyTypeNameModifiers applies the list of type modifiers to a type name.
func (ci candidateInference) applyTypeNameModifiers(typ types.Type) types.Type {}

// matchesVariadic returns true if we are completing a variadic
// parameter and candType is a compatible slice type.
func (ci candidateInference) matchesVariadic(candType types.Type) bool {}

// findSwitchStmt returns an *ast.CaseClause's corresponding *ast.SwitchStmt or
// *ast.TypeSwitchStmt. path should start from the case clause's first ancestor.
func findSwitchStmt(path []ast.Node, pos token.Pos, c *ast.CaseClause) ast.Stmt {}

// breaksExpectedTypeInference reports if an expression node's type is unrelated
// to its child expression node types. For example, "Foo{Bar: x.Baz(<>)}" should
// expect a function argument, not a composite literal value.
func breaksExpectedTypeInference(n ast.Node, pos token.Pos) bool {}

// expectTypeName returns information about the expected type name at position.
func expectTypeName(c *completer) typeNameInference {}

func (c *completer) fakeObj(T types.Type) *types.Var {}

// derivableTypes iterates types you can derive from t. For example,
// from "foo" we might derive "&foo", and "foo()".
func derivableTypes(t types.Type, addressable bool, f func(t types.Type, addressable bool, mod typeModKind) bool) bool {}

// anyCandType reports whether f returns true for any candidate type
// derivable from c. It searches up to three levels of type
// modification. For example, given "foo" we could discover "***foo"
// or "*foo()".
func (c *candidate) anyCandType(f func(t types.Type, addressable bool) bool) bool {}

// matchingCandidate reports whether cand matches our type inferences.
// It mutates cand's score in certain cases.
func (c *completer) matchingCandidate(cand *candidate) bool {}

// candTypeMatches reports whether cand makes a good completion
// candidate given the candidate inference. cand's score may be
// mutated to downrank the candidate in certain situations.
func (ci *candidateInference) candTypeMatches(cand *candidate) bool {}

// considerTypeConversion returns true if we should offer a completion
// automatically converting "from" to "to".
func considerTypeConversion(from, to types.Type, path []types.Object) bool {}

// typeMatches reports whether an object of candType makes a good
// completion candidate given the expected type expType.
func (ci *candidateInference) typeMatches(expType, candType types.Type) bool {}

// kindMatches reports whether candType's kind matches our expected
// kind (e.g. slice, map, etc.).
func (ci *candidateInference) kindMatches(candType types.Type) bool {}

// assigneesMatch reports whether an invocation of sig matches the
// number and type of any assignees.
func (ci *candidateInference) assigneesMatch(cand *candidate, sig *types.Signature) bool {}

func (c *completer) matchingTypeName(cand *candidate) bool {}

var errorIntf

var stringerIntf

var byteType

var boolType

// candKind returns the objKind of candType, if any.
func candKind(candType types.Type) objKind {}

// If sig looks like a range func, return param count, else return -1.
func rangeFuncParamCount(sig *types.Signature) int {}

// innermostScope returns the innermost scope for c.pos.
func (c *completer) innermostScope() *types.Scope {}

// isSlice reports whether the object's underlying type is a slice.
func isSlice(obj types.Object) bool {}

// forEachPackageMember calls f(tok, id, fn) for each package-level
// TYPE/VAR/CONST/FUNC declaration in the Go source file, based on a
// quick partial parse. fn is non-nil only for function declarations.
// The AST position information is garbage.
func forEachPackageMember(content []byte, f func(tok token.Token, id *ast.Ident, fn *ast.FuncDecl)) {}

func is[T any](x any) bool {}