
// literal generates composite literal, function literal, and make()
// completion items.
func (c *completer) literal(ctx context.Context, literalType types.Type, imp *importInfo) {}

const literalCandidateScore

// functionLiteral returns a function literal completion item for the
// given signature, if applicable.
func (c *completer) functionLiteral(ctx context.Context, sig *types.Signature, matchScore float64) (CompletionItem, bool) {}

var conventionalAcronyms

// abbreviateTypeName abbreviates type names into acronyms. For
// example, "fooBar" is abbreviated "fb". Care is taken to ignore
// non-identifier runes. For example, "[]int" becomes "i", and
// "struct { i int }" becomes "s".
func abbreviateTypeName(s string) string {}

// compositeLiteral returns a composite literal completion item for the given typeName.
// T is an (unnamed, unaliased) struct, array, slice, or map type.
func (c *completer) compositeLiteral(T types.Type, snip *snippet.Builder, typeName string, matchScore float64, edits []protocol.TextEdit) CompletionItem {}

// basicLiteral returns a literal completion item for the given basic
// type name typeName.
// If T is untyped, this function returns false.
func (c *completer) basicLiteral(T types.Type, snip *snippet.Builder, typeName string, matchScore float64, edits []protocol.TextEdit) (CompletionItem, bool) {}

// makeCall returns a completion item for a "make()" call given a specific type.
func (c *completer) makeCall(snip *snippet.Builder, typeName string, secondArg string, matchScore float64, edits []protocol.TextEdit) CompletionItem {}

// Create a snippet for a type name where type params become placeholders.
func (c *completer) typeNameSnippet(literalType types.Type, qf types.Qualifier) (*snippet.Builder, string) {}

// fullyInstantiated reports whether all of t's type params have
// specified type args.
func (c *completer) fullyInstantiated(t typesinternal.NamedOrAlias) bool {}

// typeParamInScope returns whether tp's object is in scope at c.pos.
// This tells you whether you are in a generic definition and can
// assume tp has been specified.
func (c *completer) typeParamInScope(tp *types.TypeParam) bool {}