
type fixer

type singleFileFixer

// singleFile adapts a single-file fixer to a Fixer.
func singleFile(fixer1 singleFileFixer) fixer {}

const fixExtractVariable

const fixExtractFunction

const fixExtractMethod

const fixInlineCall

const fixInvertIfCondition

const fixSplitLines

const fixJoinLines

const fixCreateUndeclared

const fixMissingInterfaceMethods

const fixMissingCalledFunction

// ApplyFix applies the specified kind of suggested fix to the given
// file and range, returning the resulting changes.
// A fix kind is either the Category of an analysis.Diagnostic that
// had a SuggestedFix with no edits; or the name of a fix agreed upon
// by [CodeActions] and this function.
// Fix kinds identify fixes in the command protocol.
// TODO(adonovan): come up with a better mechanism for registering the
// connection between analyzers, code actions, and fixers. A flaw of
// the current approach is that the same Category could in theory
// apply to a Diagnostic with several lazy fixes, making them
// impossible to distinguish. It would more precise if there was a
// SuggestedFix.Category field, or some other way to squirrel metadata
// in the fix.
func ApplyFix(ctx context.Context, fix string, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, fh file.Handle, rng protocol.Range) ([]protocol.DocumentChange, error) {}

// suggestedFixToDocumentChange converts the suggestion's edits from analysis form into protocol form.
func suggestedFixToDocumentChange(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, fset *token.FileSet, suggestion *analysis.SuggestedFix) ([]protocol.DocumentChange, error) {}

// addEmbedImport adds a missing embed "embed" import with blank name.
func addEmbedImport(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, pkg *cache.Package, pgf *parsego.File, _, _ token.Pos) (*token.FileSet, *analysis.SuggestedFix, error) {}