
type hoverJSON

// Hover implements the "textDocument/hover" RPC for Go files.
// It may return nil even on success.
// If pkgURL is non-nil, it should be used to generate doc links.
func Hover(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, fh file.Handle, position protocol.Position, pkgURL func(path PackagePath, fragment string) protocol.URI) (*protocol.Hover, error) {}

// hover computes hover information at the given position. If we do not support
// hovering at the position, it returns _, nil, nil: an error is only returned
// if the position is valid but we fail to compute hover information.
// TODO(adonovan): strength-reduce file.Handle to protocol.DocumentURI.
func hover(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, fh file.Handle, pp protocol.Position) (protocol.Range, *hoverJSON, error) {}

// hoverBuiltin computes hover information when hovering over a builtin
// identifier.
func hoverBuiltin(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, obj types.Object) (*hoverJSON, error) {}

// hoverImport computes hover information when hovering over the import path of
// imp in the file pgf of pkg.
// If we do not have metadata for the hovered import, it returns _
func hoverImport(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, pkg *cache.Package, pgf *parsego.File, imp *ast.ImportSpec) (protocol.Range, *hoverJSON, error) {}

// hoverPackageName computes hover information for the package name of the file
// pgf in pkg.
func hoverPackageName(pkg *cache.Package, pgf *parsego.File) (protocol.Range, *hoverJSON, error) {}

// hoverLit computes hover information when hovering over the basic literal lit
// in the file pgf. The provided pos must be the exact position of the cursor,
// as it is used to extract the hovered rune in strings.
// For example, hovering over "\u2211" in "foo \u2211 bar" yields:
//	'∑', U+2211, N-ARY SUMMATION
func hoverLit(pgf *parsego.File, lit *ast.BasicLit, pos token.Pos) (protocol.Range, *hoverJSON, error) {}

// hoverEmbed computes hover information for a filepath.Match pattern.
// Assumes that the pattern is relative to the location of fh.
func hoverEmbed(fh file.Handle, rng protocol.Range, pattern string) (protocol.Range, *hoverJSON, error) {}

// inferredSignatureString is a wrapper around the types.ObjectString function
// that adds more information to inferred signatures. It will return an empty string
// if the passed types.Object is not a signature.
func inferredSignatureString(obj types.Object, qf types.Qualifier, inferred *types.Signature) string {}

// objectString is a wrapper around the types.ObjectString function.
// It handles adding more information to the object string.
// If spec is non-nil, it may be used to format additional declaration
// syntax, and file must be the token.File describing its positions.
// Precondition: obj is not a built-in function or method.
func objectString(obj types.Object, qf types.Qualifier, declPos token.Pos, file *token.File, spec ast.Spec) string {}

// HoverDocForObject returns the best doc comment for obj (for which
// fset provides file/line information).
// TODO(rfindley): there appears to be zero(!) tests for this functionality.
func HoverDocForObject(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, fset *token.FileSet, obj types.Object) (*ast.CommentGroup, error) {}

func chooseDocComment(decl ast.Decl, spec ast.Spec, field *ast.Field) *ast.CommentGroup {}

// parseFull fully parses the file corresponding to position pos (for
// which fset provides file/line information).
// It returns the resulting parsego.File as well as new pos contained
// in the parsed file.
// BEWARE: the provided FileSet is used only to interpret the provided
// pos; the resulting File and Pos may belong to the same or a
// different FileSet, such as one synthesized by the parser cache, if
// parse-caching is enabled.
// TODO(adonovan): change this function to accept a filename and a
// byte offset, and eliminate the confusing (fset, pos) parameters.
// Then simplify stubmethods.StubInfo, which doesn't need a Fset.
func parseFull(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, fset *token.FileSet, pos token.Pos) (*parsego.File, token.Pos, error) {}

// If pkgURL is non-nil, it should be used to generate doc links.
func formatHover(h *hoverJSON, options *settings.Options, pkgURL func(path PackagePath, fragment string) protocol.URI) (string, error) {}

// StdSymbolOf returns the std lib symbol information of the given obj.
// It returns nil if the input obj is not an exported standard library symbol.
func StdSymbolOf(obj types.Object) *stdlib.Symbol {}

// If pkgURL is non-nil, it should be used to generate doc links.
func formatLink(h *hoverJSON, options *settings.Options, pkgURL func(path PackagePath, fragment string) protocol.URI) string {}

// findDeclInfo returns the syntax nodes involved in the declaration of the
// types.Object with position pos, searching the given list of file syntax
// trees.
// Pos may be the position of the name-defining identifier in a FuncDecl,
// ValueSpec, TypeSpec, Field, or as a special case the position of
// Ellipsis.Elt in an ellipsis field.
// If found, the resulting decl, spec, and field will be the inner-most
// instance of each node type surrounding pos.
// If field is non-nil, pos is the position of a field Var. If field is nil and
// spec is non-nil, pos is the position of a Var, Const, or TypeName object. If
// both field and spec are nil and decl is non-nil, pos is the position of a
// Func object.
// It returns a nil decl if no object-defining node is found at pos.
// TODO(rfindley): this function has tricky semantics, and may be worth unit
// testing and/or refactoring.
func findDeclInfo(files []*ast.File, pos token.Pos) (decl ast.Decl, spec ast.Spec, field *ast.Field) {}

type promotedField

// promotedFields returns the list of accessible promoted fields of a struct type t.
// (Logic plundered from x/tools/cmd/guru/describe.go.)
func promotedFields(t types.Type, from *types.Package) []promotedField {}

func accessibleTo(obj types.Object, pkg *types.Package) bool {}

// computeSizeOffsetInfo reports the size of obj (if a type or struct
// field), its wasted space percentage (if a struct type), and its
// offset (if a struct field). It returns -1 for undefined components.
func computeSizeOffsetInfo(pkg *cache.Package, path []ast.Node, obj types.Object) (size, wasted, offset int64) {}