
// inlineAllCalls inlines all calls to the original function declaration
// described by callee, returning the resulting modified file content.
// inlining everything is currently an expensive operation: it involves re-type
// checking every package that contains a potential call, as reported by
// References. In cases where there are multiple calls per file, inlineAllCalls
// must type check repeatedly for each additional call.
// The provided post processing function is applied to the resulting source
// after each transformation. This is necessary because we are using this
// function to inline synthetic wrappers for the purpose of signature
// rewriting. The delegated function has a fake name that doesn't exist in the
// snapshot, and so we can't re-type check until we replace this fake name.
// TODO(rfindley): this only works because removing a parameter is a very
// narrow operation. A better solution would be to allow for ad-hoc snapshots
// that expose the full machinery of real snapshots: minimal invalidation,
// batched type checking, etc. Then we could actually rewrite the declaring
// package in this snapshot (and so 'post' would not be necessary), and could
// robustly re-type check for the purpose of iterative inlining, even if the
// inlined code pulls in new imports that weren't present in export data.
// The code below notes where are assumptions are made that only hold true in
// the case of parameter removal (annotated with 'Assumption:')
func inlineAllCalls(ctx context.Context, logf func(string, ...any), snapshot *cache.Snapshot, pkg *cache.Package, pgf *parsego.File, origDecl *ast.FuncDecl, callee *inline.Callee, post func([]byte) []byte) (map[protocol.DocumentURI][]byte, error) {}