
// invertIfCondition is a singleFileFixFunc that inverts an if/else statement
func invertIfCondition(fset *token.FileSet, start, end token.Pos, src []byte, file *ast.File, _ *types.Package, _ *types.Info) (*token.FileSet, *analysis.SuggestedFix, error) {}

func endsWithReturn(elseBranch ast.Stmt) (bool, error) {}

// Turn { fmt.Println("Hello") } into just fmt.Println("Hello"), with one less
// level of indentation.
// The first line of the result will not be indented, but all of the following
// lines will.
func ifBodyToStandaloneCode(fset *token.FileSet, ifBody *ast.BlockStmt, src []byte) string {}

func invertCondition(fset *token.FileSet, cond ast.Expr, src []byte) ([]byte, error) {}

// dumbInvert is a fallback, inverting cond into !(cond).
func dumbInvert(fset *token.FileSet, expr ast.Expr, src []byte) []byte {}

func invertAndOr(fset *token.FileSet, expr *ast.BinaryExpr, src []byte) ([]byte, error) {}

// canInvertIfCondition reports whether we can do invert-if-condition on the
// code in the given range.
func canInvertIfCondition(file *ast.File, start, end token.Pos) (*ast.IfStmt, bool, error) {}