
// IsGenerated gets and reads the file denoted by uri and reports
// whether it contains a "generated file" comment as described at
// TODO(adonovan): opt: this function does too much.
// Move snapshot.ReadFile into the caller (most of which have already done it).
func IsGenerated(ctx context.Context, snapshot *cache.Snapshot, uri protocol.DocumentURI) bool {}

// adjustedObjEnd returns the end position of obj, possibly modified for
// package names.
// TODO(rfindley): eliminate this function, by inlining it at callsites where
// it makes sense.
func adjustedObjEnd(obj types.Object) token.Pos {}

var generatedRx

// FormatNode returns the "pretty-print" output for an ast node.
func FormatNode(fset *token.FileSet, n ast.Node) string {}

// formatNodeFile is like FormatNode, but requires only the token.File for the
// syntax containing the given ast node.
func formatNodeFile(file *token.File, n ast.Node) string {}

// findFileInDeps finds package metadata containing URI in the transitive
// dependencies of m. When using the Go command, the answer is unique.
func findFileInDeps(s metadata.Source, mp *metadata.Package, uri protocol.DocumentURI) *metadata.Package {}

// CollectScopes returns all scopes in an ast path, ordered as innermost scope
// first.
func CollectScopes(info *types.Info, path []ast.Node, pos token.Pos) []*types.Scope {}

// requalifier returns a function that re-qualifies identifiers and qualified
// identifiers contained in targetFile using the given metadata qualifier.
func requalifier(s metadata.Source, targetFile *ast.File, targetMeta *metadata.Package, mq MetadataQualifier) func(string) string {}

type MetadataQualifier

// MetadataQualifierForFile returns a metadata qualifier that chooses the best
// qualification of an imported package relative to the file f in package with
// metadata m.
func MetadataQualifierForFile(s metadata.Source, f *ast.File, mp *metadata.Package) MetadataQualifier {}

// importInfo collects information about the import specified by imp,
// extracting its file-local name, package name, import path, and package path.
// If metadata is missing for the import, the resulting package name and
// package path may be empty, and the file local name may be guessed based on
// the import path.
// Note: previous versions of this helper used a PackageID->PackagePath map
// extracted from m, for extracting package path even in the case where
// metadata for a dep was missing. This should not be necessary, as we should
// always have metadata for IDs contained in DepsByPkgPath.
func importInfo(s metadata.Source, imp *ast.ImportSpec, mp *metadata.Package) (string, PackageName, ImportPath, PackagePath) {}

// isDirective reports whether c is a comment directive.
// Copied and adapted from go/src/go/ast/ast.go.
func isDirective(c string) bool {}

// embeddedIdent returns the type name identifier for an embedding x, if x in a
// valid embedding. Otherwise, it returns nil.
// Spec: An embedded field must be specified as a type name T or as a pointer
// to a non-interface type name *T
func embeddedIdent(x ast.Expr) *ast.Ident {}

type ImporterFunc

func (f ImporterFunc) Import(path string) (*types.Package, error) {}

// isBuiltin reports whether obj is a built-in symbol (e.g. append, iota, error.Error, unsafe.Slice).
// All other symbols have a valid position and a valid package.
func isBuiltin(obj types.Object) bool {}

// btoi returns int(b) as proposed in #64825.
func btoi(b bool) int {}

// AbbreviateVarName returns an abbreviated var name based on the given full
// name (which may be a type name, for example).
// See the simple heuristics documented in line.
func AbbreviateVarName(s string) string {}

// copyrightComment returns the copyright comment group from the input file, or
// nil if not found.
func copyrightComment(file *ast.File) *ast.CommentGroup {}

var buildConstraintRe

// buildConstraintComment returns the build constraint comment from the input
// file.
// Returns nil if not found.
func buildConstraintComment(file *ast.File) *ast.Comment {}