
const maxSymbols

// WorkspaceSymbols matches symbols across all views using the given query,
// according to the match semantics parameterized by matcherType and style.
// The workspace symbol method is defined in the spec as follows:
//	The workspace symbol request is sent from the client to the server to
//	list project-wide symbols matching the query string.
// It is unclear what "project-wide" means here, but given the parameters of
// workspace/symbol do not include any workspace identifier, then it has to be
// assumed that "project-wide" means "across all workspaces".  Hence why
// WorkspaceSymbols receives the views []View.
// However, it then becomes unclear what it would mean to call WorkspaceSymbols
// with a different configured SymbolMatcher per View. Therefore we assume that
// Session level configuration will define the SymbolMatcher to be used for the
// WorkspaceSymbols method.
func WorkspaceSymbols(ctx context.Context, matcher settings.SymbolMatcher, style settings.SymbolStyle, snapshots []*cache.Snapshot, query string) ([]protocol.SymbolInformation, error) {}

type matcherFunc

type symbolizer

func fullyQualifiedSymbolMatch(space []string, name string, pkg *metadata.Package, matcher matcherFunc) ([]string, float64) {}

func dynamicSymbolMatch(space []string, name string, pkg *metadata.Package, matcher matcherFunc) ([]string, float64) {}

func packageSymbolMatch(space []string, name string, pkg *metadata.Package, matcher matcherFunc) ([]string, float64) {}

func buildMatcher(matcher settings.SymbolMatcher, query string) matcherFunc {}

func newFuzzyMatcher(query string) matcherFunc {}

// parseQuery parses a field-separated symbol query, extracting the special
// characters listed below, and returns a matcherFunc corresponding to the AND
// of all field queries.
// Special characters:
//	^  match exact prefix
//	$  match exact suffix
//	'  match exact
// In all three of these special queries, matches are 'smart-cased', meaning
// they are case sensitive if the symbol query contains any upper-case
// characters, and case insensitive otherwise.
func parseQuery(q string, newMatcher func(string) matcherFunc) matcherFunc {}

func matchExact(exact string) matcherFunc {}

// smartCase returns a matcherFunc that is case-sensitive if q contains any
// upper-case characters, and case-insensitive otherwise.
func smartCase(q string, m matcherFunc) matcherFunc {}

type comboMatcher

func (c comboMatcher) match(chunks []string) (int, float64) {}

// collectSymbols calls snapshot.Symbols to walk the syntax trees of
// all files in the views' current snapshots, and returns a sorted,
// scored list of symbols that best match the parameters.
// How it matches symbols is parameterized by two interfaces:
//   - A matcherFunc determines how well a string symbol matches a query. It
//     returns a non-negative score indicating the quality of the match. A score
//     of zero indicates no match.
//   - A symbolizer determines how we extract the symbol for an object. This
//     enables the 'symbolStyle' configuration option.
func collectSymbols(ctx context.Context, snapshots []*cache.Snapshot, matcherType settings.SymbolMatcher, symbolizer symbolizer, query string) ([]protocol.SymbolInformation, error) {}

type symbolFile

// matchFile scans a symbol file and adds matching symbols to the store.
func matchFile(store *symbolStore, symbolizer symbolizer, matcher matcherFunc, roots []string, i symbolFile) {}

type symbolStore

// store inserts si into the sorted results, if si has a high enough score.
func (sc *symbolStore) store(si symbolInformation) {}

func (sc *symbolStore) tooLow(score float64) bool {}

func (sc *symbolStore) results() []protocol.SymbolInformation {}

type symbolInformation

// asProtocolSymbolInformation converts s to a protocol.SymbolInformation value.
// TODO: work out how to handle tags if/when they are needed.
func (s symbolInformation) asProtocolSymbolInformation() protocol.SymbolInformation {}