
type loggingStream

// LoggingStream returns a stream that does LSP protocol logging too
func LoggingStream(str jsonrpc2.Stream, w io.Writer) jsonrpc2.Stream {}

func (s *loggingStream) Read(ctx context.Context) (jsonrpc2.Message, int64, error) {}

func (s *loggingStream) Write(ctx context.Context, msg jsonrpc2.Message) (int64, error) {}

func (s *loggingStream) Close() error {}

type req

type mapped

var maps

// these 4 methods are each used exactly once, but it seemed
// better to have the encapsulation rather than ad hoc mutex
// code in 4 places
func (m *mapped) client(id string) req {}

func (m *mapped) server(id string) req {}

func (m *mapped) setClient(id string, r req) {}

func (m *mapped) setServer(id string, r req) {}

const eor

func (s *loggingStream) logCommon(msg jsonrpc2.Message, isRead bool) {}