
// New creates an LSP server and binds it to handle incoming client
// messages on the supplied stream.
func New(session *cache.Session, client protocol.ClientCloser, options *settings.Options) protocol.Server {}

type serverState

const serverCreated

const serverInitializing

const serverInitialized

const serverShutDown

func (s serverState) String() string {}

type server

func (s *server) WorkDoneProgressCancel(ctx context.Context, params *protocol.WorkDoneProgressCancelParams) error {}

type web

// getWeb returns the web server associated with this
// LSP server, creating it on first request.
func (s *server) getWeb() (*web, error) {}

// initWeb starts the local web server through which gopls
// serves package documentation and suchlike.
// Clients should use [getWeb].
func (s *server) initWeb() (*web, error) {}

var assets

// SrcURL returns a /src URL that, when visited, causes the client
// editor to open the specified file/line/column (in 1-based UTF-8
// coordinates).
// (Rendering may generate hundreds of positions across files of many
// packages, so don't convert to LSP coordinates yet: wait until the
// URL is opened.)
func (w *web) SrcURL(filename string, line, col8 int) protocol.URI {}

// PkgURL returns a /pkg URL for the documentation of the specified package.
// The optional fragment must be of the form "Println" or "Buffer.WriteString".
func (w *web) PkgURL(viewID string, path golang.PackagePath, fragment string) protocol.URI {}

// freesymbolsURL returns a /freesymbols URL for a report
// on the free symbols referenced within the selection span (loc).
func (w *web) freesymbolsURL(viewID string, loc protocol.Location) protocol.URI {}

// assemblyURL returns the URL of an assembly listing of the specified function symbol.
func (w *web) assemblyURL(viewID, packageID, symbol string) protocol.URI {}

// url returns a URL by joining a relative path, an (encoded) query,
// and an (unencoded) fragment onto the authenticated base URL of the
// web server.
func (w *web) url(path, query, fragment string) protocol.URI {}

// withPanicHandler wraps an HTTP handler with telemetry-reporting of
// panics that would otherwise be silently recovered by the net/http
// root handler.
func withPanicHandler(h http.Handler) http.HandlerFunc {}