
var InitialWorkspaceLoad

type Verdict

const Met

const Unmet

const Unmeetable

func (v Verdict) String() string {}

type Expectation

// OnceMet returns an Expectation that, once the precondition is met, asserts
// that mustMeet is met.
func OnceMet(precondition Expectation, mustMeets ...Expectation) Expectation {}

func describeExpectations(expectations ...Expectation) string {}

// Not inverts the sense of an expectation: a met expectation is unmet, and an
// unmet expectation is met.
func Not(e Expectation) Expectation {}

// AnyOf returns an expectation that is satisfied when any of the given
// expectations is met.
func AnyOf(anyOf ...Expectation) Expectation {}

// AllOf expects that all given expectations are met.
// TODO(rfindley): the problem with these types of combinators (OnceMet, AnyOf
// and AllOf) is that we lose the information of *why* they failed: the Awaiter
// is not smart enough to look inside.
// Refactor the API such that the Check function is responsible for explaining
// why an expectation failed. This should allow us to significantly improve
// test output: we won't need to summarize state at all, as the verdict
// explanation itself should describe clearly why the expectation not met.
func AllOf(allOf ...Expectation) Expectation {}

// ReadDiagnostics is an Expectation that stores the current diagnostics for
// fileName in into, whenever it is evaluated.
// It can be used in combination with OnceMet or AfterChange to capture the
// state of diagnostics when other expectations are satisfied.
func ReadDiagnostics(fileName string, into *protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams) Expectation {}

// ReadAllDiagnostics is an expectation that stores all published diagnostics
// into the provided map, whenever it is evaluated.
// It can be used in combination with OnceMet or AfterChange to capture the
// state of diagnostics when other expectations are satisfied.
func ReadAllDiagnostics(into *map[string]*protocol.PublishDiagnosticsParams) Expectation {}

// ShownDocument asserts that the client has received a
// ShowDocumentRequest for the given URI.
func ShownDocument(uri protocol.URI) Expectation {}

// ShownDocuments is an expectation that appends each showDocument
// request into the provided slice, whenever it is evaluated.
// It can be used in combination with OnceMet or AfterChange to
// capture the set of showDocument requests when other expectations
// are satisfied.
func ShownDocuments(into *[]*protocol.ShowDocumentParams) Expectation {}

// NoShownMessage asserts that the editor has not received a ShowMessage.
func NoShownMessage(subString string) Expectation {}

// ShownMessage asserts that the editor has received a ShowMessageRequest
// containing the given substring.
func ShownMessage(containing string) Expectation {}

// ShownMessageRequest asserts that the editor has received a
// ShowMessageRequest with message matching the given regular expression.
func ShownMessageRequest(messageRegexp string) Expectation {}

// DoneDiagnosingChanges expects that diagnostics are complete from common
// change notifications: didOpen, didChange, didSave, didChangeWatchedFiles,
// and didClose.
// This can be used when multiple notifications may have been sent, such as
// when a didChange is immediately followed by a didSave. It is insufficient to
// simply await NoOutstandingWork, because the LSP client has no control over
// when the server starts processing a notification. Therefore, we must keep
// track of
func (e *Env) DoneDiagnosingChanges() Expectation {}

// AfterChange expects that the given expectations will be met after all
// state-changing notifications have been processed by the server.
// Specifically, it awaits the awaits completion of the process of diagnosis
// after the following notifications, before checking the given expectations:
//   - textDocument/didOpen
//   - textDocument/didChange
//   - textDocument/didSave
//   - textDocument/didClose
//   - workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles
//   - workspace/didChangeConfiguration
func (e *Env) AfterChange(expectations ...Expectation) {}

// DoneWithOpen expects all didOpen notifications currently sent by the editor
// to be completely processed.
func (e *Env) DoneWithOpen() Expectation {}

// StartedChange expects that the server has at least started processing all
// didChange notifications sent from the client.
func (e *Env) StartedChange() Expectation {}

// DoneWithChange expects all didChange notifications currently sent by the
// editor to be completely processed.
func (e *Env) DoneWithChange() Expectation {}

// DoneWithSave expects all didSave notifications currently sent by the editor
// to be completely processed.
func (e *Env) DoneWithSave() Expectation {}

// StartedChangeWatchedFiles expects that the server has at least started
// processing all didChangeWatchedFiles notifications sent from the client.
func (e *Env) StartedChangeWatchedFiles() Expectation {}

// DoneWithChangeWatchedFiles expects all didChangeWatchedFiles notifications
// currently sent by the editor to be completely processed.
func (e *Env) DoneWithChangeWatchedFiles() Expectation {}

// DoneWithClose expects all didClose notifications currently sent by the
// editor to be completely processed.
func (e *Env) DoneWithClose() Expectation {}

// StartedWork expect a work item to have been started >= atLeast times.
// See CompletedWork.
func StartedWork(title string, atLeast uint64) Expectation {}

// CompletedWork expects a work item to have been completed >= atLeast times.
// Since the Progress API doesn't include any hidden metadata, we must use the
// progress notification title to identify the work we expect to be completed.
func CompletedWork(title string, count uint64, atLeast bool) Expectation {}

type WorkStatus

// CompletedProgress expects that workDone progress is complete for the given
// progress token. When non-nil WorkStatus is provided, it will be filled
// when the expectation is met.
// If the token is not a progress token that the client has seen, this
// expectation is Unmeetable.
func CompletedProgressToken(token protocol.ProgressToken, into *WorkStatus) Expectation {}

// CompletedProgress expects that there is exactly one workDone progress with
// the given title, and is satisfied when that progress completes. If it is
// met, the corresponding status is written to the into argument.
// TODO(rfindley): refactor to eliminate the redundancy with CompletedWork.
// This expectation is a vestige of older workarounds for asynchronous command
// execution.
func CompletedProgress(title string, into *WorkStatus) Expectation {}

// OutstandingWork expects a work item to be outstanding. The given title must
// be an exact match, whereas the given msg must only be contained in the work
// item's message.
func OutstandingWork(title, msg string) Expectation {}

// NoOutstandingWork asserts that there is no work initiated using the LSP
// $/progress API that has not completed.
// If non-nil, the ignore func is used to ignore certain work items for the
// purpose of this check.
// TODO(rfindley): consider refactoring to treat outstanding work the same way
// we treat diagnostics: with an algebra of filters.
func NoOutstandingWork(ignore func(title, msg string) bool) Expectation {}

// IgnoreTelemetryPromptWork may be used in conjunction with NoOutStandingWork
// to ignore the telemetry prompt.
func IgnoreTelemetryPromptWork(title, msg string) bool {}

// NoErrorLogs asserts that the client has not received any log messages of
// error severity.
func NoErrorLogs() Expectation {}

// LogMatching asserts that the client has received a log message
// of type typ matching the regexp re a certain number of times.
// The count argument specifies the expected number of matching logs. If
// atLeast is set, this is a lower bound, otherwise there must be exactly count
// matching logs.
// Logs are asynchronous to other LSP messages, so this expectation should not
// be used with combinators such as OnceMet or AfterChange that assert on
// ordering with respect to other operations.
func LogMatching(typ protocol.MessageType, re string, count int, atLeast bool) Expectation {}

// NoLogMatching asserts that the client has not received a log message
// of type typ matching the regexp re. If re is an empty string, any log
// message is considered a match.
func NoLogMatching(typ protocol.MessageType, re string) Expectation {}

// FileWatchMatching expects that a file registration matches re.
func FileWatchMatching(re string) Expectation {}

// NoFileWatchMatching expects that no file registration matches re.
func NoFileWatchMatching(re string) Expectation {}

func checkFileWatch(re string, onMatch, onNoMatch Verdict) func(State) Verdict {}

// jsonProperty extracts a value from a path of JSON property names, assuming
// the default encoding/json unmarshaling to the empty interface (i.e.: that
// JSON objects are unmarshalled as map[string]interface{})
// For example, if obj is unmarshalled from the following json:
//	{
//		"foo": { "bar": 3 }
//	}
// Then jsonProperty(obj, "foo", "bar") will be 3.
func jsonProperty(obj interface{}

// Diagnostics asserts that there is at least one diagnostic matching the given
// filters.
func Diagnostics(filters ...DiagnosticFilter) Expectation {}

// NoDiagnostics asserts that there are no diagnostics matching the given
// filters. Notably, if no filters are supplied this assertion checks that
// there are no diagnostics at all, for any file.
func NoDiagnostics(filters ...DiagnosticFilter) Expectation {}

type flatDiagnostic

func flattenDiagnostics(state State) []flatDiagnostic {}

type DiagnosticFilter

// ForFile filters to diagnostics matching the sandbox-relative file name.
func ForFile(name string) DiagnosticFilter {}

// FromSource filters to diagnostics matching the given diagnostics source.
func FromSource(source string) DiagnosticFilter {}

// AtRegexp filters to diagnostics in the file with sandbox-relative path name,
// at the first position matching the given regexp pattern.
// TODO(rfindley): pass in the editor to expectations, so that they may depend
// on editor state and AtRegexp can be a function rather than a method.
func (e *Env) AtRegexp(name, pattern string) DiagnosticFilter {}

// AtPosition filters to diagnostics at location name:line:character, for a
// sandbox-relative path name.
// Line and character are 0-based, and character measures UTF-16 codes.
// Note: prefer the more readable AtRegexp.
func AtPosition(name string, line, character uint32) DiagnosticFilter {}

// WithMessage filters to diagnostics whose message contains the given
// substring.
func WithMessage(substring string) DiagnosticFilter {}

// WithSeverityTags filters to diagnostics whose severity and tags match
// the given expectation.
func WithSeverityTags(diagName string, severity protocol.DiagnosticSeverity, tags []protocol.DiagnosticTag) DiagnosticFilter {}