
// NewDatabase returns a read-only DB containing the provided
// txtar-format collection of vulnerability reports.
// Each vulnerability report is a YAML file whose format
// is defined in
// A report file name must have the id as its base name,
// and have .yaml as its extension.
//	db, err := NewDatabase(ctx, reports)
//	...
//	defer db.Clean()
//	client, err := NewClient(db)
//	...
// The returned DB's Clean method must be called to clean up the
// generated database.
func NewDatabase(ctx context.Context, txtarReports []byte) (*DB, error) {}

type DB

// URI returns the file URI that can be used for VULNDB environment
// variable.
func (db *DB) URI() string {}

// Clean deletes the database.
func (db *DB) Clean() error {}

const dbURL

const idDirectory

const cmdModule

const stdModule

// generateDB generates the file-based vuln DB in the directory jsonDir.
func generateDB(ctx context.Context, txtarData []byte, jsonDir string, indent bool) error {}

func generateEntries(_ context.Context, archive *txtar.Archive) ([]osv.Entry, error) {}

func writeEntriesByID(idDir string, entries []osv.Entry, indent bool) error {}

func writeJSON(filename string, value any, indent bool) (err error) {}

func jsonMarshal(v any, indent bool) ([]byte, error) {}

// generateOSVEntry create an osv.Entry for a report. In addition to the report, it
// takes the ID for the vuln and a URL that will point to the entry in the vuln DB.
// It returns the osv.Entry and a list of module paths that the vuln affects.
func generateOSVEntry(id, url string, lastModified time.Time, r Report) osv.Entry {}

func AffectedRanges(versions []VersionRange) []osv.Range {}

func toOSVPackages(pkgs []*Package) (imps []osv.Package) {}

func toAffected(m *Module) osv.Affected {}