
// readReport reads a Report in YAML format.
func readReport(in io.Reader) (*Report, error) {}

type Report

// Write writes r to filename in YAML format.
func (r *Report) Write(filename string) (err error) {}

// ToString encodes r to a YAML string.
func (r *Report) ToString() (string, error) {}

func (r *Report) encode(w io.Writer) error {}

type VersionRange

type Module

type Package

type Version

// V returns the version with a "v" prefix.
func (v Version) V() string {}

// IsValid reports whether v is a valid semantic version string.
func (v Version) IsValid() bool {}

// Before reports whether v < v2.
func (v Version) Before(v2 Version) bool {}

// Canonical returns the canonical formatting of the version.
func (v Version) Canonical() string {}

type Reference

func (r *Reference) MarshalYAML() (interface{}

func (r *Reference) UnmarshalYAML(n *yaml.Node) (err error) {}