
// fmtFrames formats a backtrace for reporting reader/writer desyncs.
func fmtFrames(pcs ...uintptr) []string {}

type frameVisitor

// walkFrames calls visit for each call frame represented by pcs.
// pcs should be a slice of PCs, as returned by runtime.Callers.
func walkFrames(pcs []uintptr, visit frameVisitor) {}

type SyncMarker

const _

const SyncEOF

const SyncBool

const SyncInt64

const SyncUint64

const SyncString

const SyncValue

const SyncVal

const SyncRelocs

const SyncReloc

const SyncUseReloc

const SyncPublic

const SyncPos

const SyncPosBase

const SyncObject

const SyncObject1

const SyncPkg

const SyncPkgDef

const SyncMethod

const SyncType

const SyncTypeIdx

const SyncTypeParamNames

const SyncSignature

const SyncParams

const SyncParam

const SyncCodeObj

const SyncSym

const SyncLocalIdent

const SyncSelector

const SyncPrivate

const SyncFuncExt

const SyncVarExt

const SyncTypeExt

const SyncPragma

const SyncExprList

const SyncExprs

const SyncExpr

const SyncExprType

const SyncAssign

const SyncOp

const SyncFuncLit

const SyncCompLit

const SyncDecl

const SyncFuncBody

const SyncOpenScope

const SyncCloseScope

const SyncCloseAnotherScope

const SyncDeclNames

const SyncDeclName

const SyncStmts

const SyncBlockStmt

const SyncIfStmt

const SyncForStmt

const SyncSwitchStmt

const SyncRangeStmt

const SyncCaseClause

const SyncCommClause

const SyncSelectStmt

const SyncDecls

const SyncLabeledStmt

const SyncUseObjLocal

const SyncAddLocal

const SyncLinkname

const SyncStmt1

const SyncStmtsEnd

const SyncLabel

const SyncOptLabel

const SyncMultiExpr

const SyncRType

const SyncConvRTTI