
const markMethod

const eofIdentifier

// Expect invokes the supplied methods for all expectation notes found in
// the exported source files.
// All exported go source files are parsed to collect the expectation
// notes.
// See the documentation for expect.Parse for how the notes are collected
// and parsed.
// The methods are supplied as a map of name to function, and those functions
// will be matched against the expectations by name.
// Notes with no matching function will be skipped, and functions with no
// matching notes will not be invoked.
// If there are no registered markers yet, a special pass will be run first
// which adds any markers declared with @mark(Name, pattern) or @name. These
// call the Mark method to add the marker to the global set.
// You can register the "mark" method to override these in your own call to
// Expect. The bound Mark function is usable directly in your method map, so
//	exported.Expect(map[string]interface{}{"mark": exported.Mark})
// replicates the built in behavior.
// # Method invocation
// When invoking a method the expressions in the parameter list need to be
// converted to values to be passed to the method.
// There are a very limited set of types the arguments are allowed to be.
//	expect.Note : passed the Note instance being evaluated.
//	string : can be supplied either a string literal or an identifier.
//	int : can only be supplied an integer literal.
//	*regexp.Regexp : can only be supplied a regular expression literal
//	token.Pos : has a file position calculated as described below.
//	token.Position : has a file position calculated as described below.
//	expect.Range: has a start and end position as described below.
//	interface{} : will be passed any value
// # Position calculation
// There is some extra handling when a parameter is being coerced into a
// token.Pos, token.Position or Range type argument.
// If the parameter is an identifier, it will be treated as the name of an
// marker to look up (as if markers were global variables).
// If it is a string or regular expression, then it will be passed to
// expect.MatchBefore to look up a match in the line at which it was declared.
// It is safe to call this repeatedly with different method sets, but it is
// not safe to call it concurrently.
func (e *Exported) Expect(methods map[string]interface{}

type Range

// Mark adds a new marker to the known set.
func (e *Exported) Mark(name string, r Range) {}

func (e *Exported) getNotes() error {}

func goModMarkers(e *Exported, gomod string) ([]*expect.Note, error) {}

func (e *Exported) getMarkers() error {}

var noteType

var identifierType

var posType

var positionType

var rangeType

var fsetType

var regexType

var exportedType

type converter

type method

// buildConverter works out what function should be used to go from an ast expressions to a reflect
// value of the type expected by a method.
// It is called when only the target type is know, it returns converters that are flexible across
// all supported expression types for that target type.
func (e *Exported) buildConverter(pt reflect.Type) (converter, error) {}

func (e *Exported) rangeConverter(n *expect.Note, args []interface{}

// newRange creates a new Range from a token.File and two valid positions within it.
func newRange(file *token.File, start, end token.Pos) Range {}