// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package fake1 is used to test the expect package.
package fake1
// The greek letters in this file mark points we use for marker tests.
// We use unique markers so we can make the tests stable against changes to
// this file.
const (
_ int = iota
αSimpleMarkerα //@αSimpleMarker
offsetββMarker //@mark(OffsetMarker, "β")
regexγMaγrker //@mark(RegexMarker, re`\p{Greek}Ma`)
εMultipleεζMarkersζ //@εMultiple,ζMarkers
ηBlockMarkerη /*@ηBlockMarker*/
/*Marker ι inside ι a comment*/ //@mark(Comment,"ι inside ")
var x = "hello" //@mark(StringMarker, `"hello"`)
// someFunc is a function. //@mark(LineComment, "someFunc")
func someFunc(a, b int) int {
// The line below must be the first occurrence of the plus operator
return a + b + 1 //@mark(NonIdentifier, re`\+[^\+]*`)
// And some extra checks for interesting action parameters
// Also checks for multi-line expectations
"Number %d",
check(Bool, true)
check(NamedArgs, 1, true, a, b=1, c="3", d=true)