
// New creates and returns a new Matcher implementing the given pattern.
// The pattern syntax is defined in the package doc comment.
// In addition to the pattern syntax syntax, New("") returns nil, nil.
// The nil *Matcher is valid for use: it returns true from ShouldEnable
// and false from ShouldReport for all changes. Callers can avoid calling
// [Hash], [Matcher.ShouldEnable], and [Matcher.ShouldPrint] entirely
// when they recognize the nil Matcher.
func New(pattern string) (*Matcher, error) {}

type Matcher

type cond

// Verbose reports whether the reports will be shown to users
// and need to include a human-readable change description.
// If not, the target can print just the Marker on a line by itself
// and perhaps save some computation.
func (m *Matcher) Verbose() bool {}

// ShouldEnable reports whether the change with the given id should be enabled.
func (m *Matcher) ShouldEnable(id uint64) bool {}

// ShouldReport reports whether the change with the given id should be reported.
func (m *Matcher) ShouldReport(id uint64) bool {}

// Marker returns the match marker text to use on any line reporting details
// about a match of the given ID.
// It always returns the hexadecimal format.
func Marker(id uint64) string {}

// AppendMarker is like [Marker] but appends the marker to dst.
func AppendMarker(dst []byte, id uint64) []byte {}

// CutMarker finds the first match marker in line and removes it,
// returning the shortened line (with the marker removed),
// the ID from the match marker,
// and whether a marker was found at all.
// If there is no marker, CutMarker returns line, 0, false.
func CutMarker(line string) (short string, id uint64, ok bool) {}

// Hash computes a hash of the data arguments,
// each of which must be of type string, byte, int, uint, int32, uint32, int64, uint64, uintptr, or a slice of one of those types.
func Hash(data ...any) uint64 {}

type parseError

func (e *parseError) Error() string {}

const offset64

const prime64

func fnv(h uint64, x byte) uint64 {}

func fnvString(h uint64, x string) uint64 {}

func fnvUint64(h uint64, x uint64) uint64 {}

func fnvUint32(h uint64, x uint32) uint64 {}