
var uidSetKeyFunc

type uidSet

type uidTrackingExpectations

// GetUIDs is a convenience method to avoid exposing the set of expected uids.
// The returned set is not thread safe, all modifications must be made holding
// the uidStoreLock.
func (u *uidTrackingExpectations) getSet(controllerKey string) *uidSet {}

func (u *uidTrackingExpectations) getExpectedUIDs(controllerKey string) sets.Set[types.UID] {}

// ExpectDeletions records expectations for the given deleteKeys, against the
// given job-key.
// This is thread-safe across different job keys.
func (u *uidTrackingExpectations) expectFinalizersRemoved(logger klog.Logger, jobKey string, deletedKeys []types.UID) error {}

// FinalizerRemovalObserved records the given deleteKey as a deletion, for the given job.
func (u *uidTrackingExpectations) finalizerRemovalObserved(logger klog.Logger, jobKey string, deleteKey types.UID) {}

// DeleteExpectations deletes the UID set.
func (u *uidTrackingExpectations) deleteExpectations(logger klog.Logger, jobKey string) {}

// NewUIDTrackingControllerExpectations returns a wrapper around
// ControllerExpectations that is aware of deleteKeys.
func newUIDTrackingExpectations() *uidTrackingExpectations {}

func hasJobTrackingFinalizer(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}

func recordFinishedPodWithTrackingFinalizer(oldPod, newPod *v1.Pod) {}

func isFinishedPodWithTrackingFinalizer(pod *v1.Pod) bool {}