
var OpenFile

var ReadFile

var WriteFile

type ParseError

func (e *ParseError) Error() string {}

func (e *ParseError) Unwrap() error {}

// ParseUint converts a string to an uint64 integer.
// Negative values are returned at zero as, due to kernel bugs,
// some of the memory cgroup stats can be negative.
func ParseUint(s string, base, bitSize int) (uint64, error) {}

// ParseKeyValue parses a space-separated "name value" kind of cgroup
// parameter and returns its key as a string, and its value as uint64
// (ParseUint is used to convert the value). For example,
// "io_service_bytes 1234" will be returned as "io_service_bytes", 1234.
func ParseKeyValue(t string) (string, uint64, error) {}

// GetValueByKey reads a key-value pairs from the specified cgroup file,
// and returns a value of the specified key. ParseUint is used for value
// conversion.
func GetValueByKey(path, file, key string) (uint64, error) {}

// GetCgroupParamUint reads a single uint64 value from the specified cgroup file.
// If the value read is "max", the math.MaxUint64 is returned.
func GetCgroupParamUint(path, file string) (uint64, error) {}

// GetCgroupParamInt reads a single int64 value from specified cgroup file.
// If the value read is "max", the math.MaxInt64 is returned.
func GetCgroupParamInt(path, file string) (int64, error) {}

// GetCgroupParamString reads a string from the specified cgroup file.
func GetCgroupParamString(path, file string) (string, error) {}