
func init() {}

const ControllerStartJitter

const ConfigzName

// NewControllerManagerCommand creates a *cobra.Command object with default parameters
func NewControllerManagerCommand() *cobra.Command {}

// ResyncPeriod returns a function which generates a duration each time it is
// invoked; this is so that multiple controllers don't get into lock-step and all
// hammer the apiserver with list requests simultaneously.
func ResyncPeriod(c *config.CompletedConfig) func() time.Duration {}

// Run runs the KubeControllerManagerOptions.
func Run(ctx context.Context, c *config.CompletedConfig) error {}

type ControllerContext

// IsControllerEnabled checks if the context's controllers enabled or not
func (c ControllerContext) IsControllerEnabled(controllerDescriptor *ControllerDescriptor) bool {}

type InitFunc

type ControllerDescriptor

func (r *ControllerDescriptor) Name() string {}

func (r *ControllerDescriptor) GetInitFunc() InitFunc {}

func (r *ControllerDescriptor) GetRequiredFeatureGates() []featuregate.Feature {}

// GetAliases returns aliases to ensure backwards compatibility and should never be removed!
// Only addition of new aliases is allowed, and only when a canonical name is changed (please see CHANGE POLICY of controller names)
func (r *ControllerDescriptor) GetAliases() []string {}

func (r *ControllerDescriptor) IsDisabledByDefault() bool {}

func (r *ControllerDescriptor) IsCloudProviderController() bool {}

// RequiresSpecialHandling should return true only in a special non-generic controllers like ServiceAccountTokenController
func (r *ControllerDescriptor) RequiresSpecialHandling() bool {}

// KnownControllers returns all known controllers's name
func KnownControllers() []string {}

// ControllerAliases returns a mapping of aliases to canonical controller names
func ControllerAliases() map[string]string {}

func ControllersDisabledByDefault() []string {}

// NewControllerDescriptors is a public map of named controller groups (you can start more than one in an init func)
// paired to their ControllerDescriptor wrapper object that includes InitFunc.
// This allows for structured downstream composition and subdivision.
func NewControllerDescriptors() map[string]*ControllerDescriptor {}

// CreateControllerContext creates a context struct containing references to resources needed by the
// controllers such as the cloud provider and clientBuilder. rootClientBuilder is only used for
// the shared-informers client and token controller.
func CreateControllerContext(ctx context.Context, s *config.CompletedConfig, rootClientBuilder, clientBuilder clientbuilder.ControllerClientBuilder) (ControllerContext, error) {}

// StartControllers starts a set of controllers with a specified ControllerContext
func StartControllers(ctx context.Context, controllerCtx ControllerContext, controllerDescriptors map[string]*ControllerDescriptor,
	unsecuredMux *mux.PathRecorderMux, healthzHandler *controllerhealthz.MutableHealthzHandler) error {}

// StartController starts a controller with a specified ControllerContext
// and performs required pre- and post- checks/actions
func StartController(ctx context.Context, controllerCtx ControllerContext, controllerDescriptor *ControllerDescriptor,
	unsecuredMux *mux.PathRecorderMux) (healthz.HealthChecker, error) {}

// serviceAccountTokenControllerStarter is special because it must run first to set up permissions for other controllers.
// It cannot use the "normal" client builder, so it tracks its own.
func newServiceAccountTokenControllerDescriptor(rootClientBuilder clientbuilder.ControllerClientBuilder) *ControllerDescriptor {}

func startServiceAccountTokenController(ctx context.Context, controllerContext ControllerContext, controllerName string, rootClientBuilder clientbuilder.ControllerClientBuilder) (controller.Interface, bool, error) {}

func readCA(file string) ([]byte, error) {}

// createClientBuilders creates clientBuilder and rootClientBuilder from the given configuration
func createClientBuilders(c *config.CompletedConfig) (clientBuilder clientbuilder.ControllerClientBuilder, rootClientBuilder clientbuilder.ControllerClientBuilder) {}

// leaderElectAndRun runs the leader election, and runs the callbacks once the leader lease is acquired.
// TODO: extract this function into staging/controller-manager
func leaderElectAndRun(ctx context.Context, c *config.CompletedConfig, lockIdentity string, electionChecker *leaderelection.HealthzAdaptor, resourceLock string, leaseName string, callbacks leaderelection.LeaderCallbacks) {}

// filteredControllerDescriptors returns all controllerDescriptors after filtering through filterFunc.
func filteredControllerDescriptors(controllerDescriptors map[string]*ControllerDescriptor, filterFunc leadermigration.FilterFunc, expected leadermigration.FilterResult) map[string]*ControllerDescriptor {}