
// GetArgValue traverses an argument slice backwards and returns the value
// of the given argument name and the index where it was found.
// If the argument does not exist an empty string and -1 are returned.
// startIdx defines where the iteration starts. If startIdx is a negative
// value or larger than the size of the argument slice the iteration
// will start from the last element.
func GetArgValue(args []Arg, name string, startIdx int) (string, int) {}

// SetArgValues updates the value of one or more arguments or adds a new
// one if missing. The function works backwards in the argument list.
// nArgs holds how many existing arguments with this name should be set.
// If nArgs is less than 1, all of them will be updated.
func SetArgValues(args []Arg, name, value string, nArgs int) []Arg {}