
type InitConfiguration

type ClusterConfiguration

type ControlPlaneComponent

type APIServer

type DNS

type Proxy

type ImageMeta

type APIEndpoint

type NodeRegistrationOptions

type Networking

type Etcd

type LocalEtcd

type ExternalEtcd

type JoinConfiguration

type JoinControlPlane

type Discovery

type BootstrapTokenDiscovery

type FileDiscovery

// GetControlPlaneImageRepository returns name of image repository
// for control plane images (API,Controller Manager,Scheduler and Proxy)
// It will override location with CI registry name in case user requests special
// Kubernetes version from CI build area.
// (See: kubeadmconstants.DefaultCIImageRepository)
func (cfg *ClusterConfiguration) GetControlPlaneImageRepository() string {}

// EncryptionAlgorithmType returns the type of encryption keys used in the cluster.
func (cfg *ClusterConfiguration) EncryptionAlgorithmType() EncryptionAlgorithmType {}

type HostPathMount

type Patches

type DocumentMap

type ComponentConfig

type ResetConfiguration

type UpgradeApplyConfiguration

type UpgradeDiffConfiguration

type UpgradeNodeConfiguration

type UpgradePlanConfiguration

type UpgradeConfiguration

const UnmountFlagMNTForce

const UnmountFlagMNTDetach

const UnmountFlagMNTExpire

const UnmountFlagUmountNoFollow

type ComponentConfigMap

type Arg

type EnvVar

type EncryptionAlgorithmType

const EncryptionAlgorithmECDSAP256

const EncryptionAlgorithmRSA2048

const EncryptionAlgorithmRSA3072

const EncryptionAlgorithmRSA4096

type Timeouts