
type applyFlags

var _

type applyData

// newCmdApply returns the cobra command for `kubeadm upgrade apply`
func newCmdApply(apf *applyPlanFlags) *cobra.Command {}

// newApplyData returns a new applyData struct to be used for the execution of the kubeadm upgrade apply workflow.
func newApplyData(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, applyFlags *applyFlags) (*applyData, error) {}

// DryRun returns the dryRun flag.
func (d *applyData) DryRun() bool {}

// EtcdUpgrade returns the etcdUpgrade flag.
func (d *applyData) EtcdUpgrade() bool {}

// RenewCerts returns the renewCerts flag.
func (d *applyData) RenewCerts() bool {}

// Cfg returns the UpgradeConfiguration.
func (d *applyData) Cfg() *kubeadmapi.UpgradeConfiguration {}

// InitCfg returns the InitConfiguration.
func (d *applyData) InitCfg() *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration {}

// Client returns a Kubernetes client to be used by kubeadm.
func (d *applyData) Client() clientset.Interface {}

// PatchesDir returns the folder where patches for components are stored.
func (d *applyData) PatchesDir() string {}

// IgnorePreflightErrors returns the list of preflight errors to ignore.
func (d *applyData) IgnorePreflightErrors() sets.Set[string] {}

// OutputWriter returns the output writer to be used by kubeadm.
func (d *applyData) OutputWriter() io.Writer {}

// SessionIsInteractive returns true if the session is of an interactive type (the default, can be opted out of with -y, -f or --dry-run).
func (d *applyData) SessionIsInteractive() bool {}

// AllowExperimentalUpgrades returns true if upgrading to an alpha/beta/release candidate version of Kubernetes is allowed.
func (d *applyData) AllowExperimentalUpgrades() bool {}

// AllowRCUpgrades returns true if upgrading to a release candidate version of Kubernetes is allowed.
func (d *applyData) AllowRCUpgrades() bool {}

// ForceUpgrade returns true if force-upgrading is enabled.
func (d *applyData) ForceUpgrade() bool {}

// IsControlPlaneNode returns if the node is a control-plane node.
func (d *applyData) IsControlPlaneNode() bool {}