
const createJobHealthCheckPrefix

type healthCheck

// Check is part of the preflight.Checker interface
func (c *healthCheck) Check() (warnings, errors []error) {}

// Name is part of the preflight.Checker interface
func (c *healthCheck) Name() string {}

// CheckClusterHealth makes sure:
// - the cluster can accept a workload
// - all control-plane Nodes are Ready
// - (if static pod-hosted) that all required Static Pod manifests exist on disk
func CheckClusterHealth(client clientset.Interface, cfg *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration, ignoreChecksErrors sets.Set[string], dryRun bool, printer output.Printer) error {}

// createJob is a check that verifies that a Job can be created in the cluster
func createJob(client clientset.Interface, cfg *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration, _ bool, _ output.Printer) error {}

// controlPlaneNodesReady checks whether all control-plane Nodes in the cluster are in the Running state
func controlPlaneNodesReady(client clientset.Interface, _ *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration, _ bool, _ output.Printer) error {}

// staticPodManifestHealth makes sure the required static pods are presents
func staticPodManifestHealth(_ clientset.Interface, _ *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration, dryRun bool, printer output.Printer) error {}

// getNotReadyNodes returns a string slice of nodes in the cluster that are NotReady
func getNotReadyNodes(nodes []v1.Node) []string {}