
const waitForHashes

const waitForHashChange

const waitForPodsWithLabel

var testConfiguration

type fakeWaiter

func NewFakeStaticPodWaiter(errsToReturn map[string]error) apiclient.Waiter {}

// WaitForControlPlaneComponents just returns a dummy nil, to indicate that the program should just proceed
func (w *fakeWaiter) WaitForControlPlaneComponents(cfg *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration) error {}

// WaitForAPI just returns a dummy nil, to indicate that the program should just proceed
func (w *fakeWaiter) WaitForAPI() error {}

// WaitForPodsWithLabel just returns an error if set from errsToReturn
func (w *fakeWaiter) WaitForPodsWithLabel(kvLabel string) error {}

// SetTimeout is a no-op; we don't use it in this implementation
func (w *fakeWaiter) SetTimeout(_ time.Duration) {}

// WaitForStaticPodControlPlaneHashes returns an error if set from errsToReturn
func (w *fakeWaiter) WaitForStaticPodControlPlaneHashes(_ string) (map[string]string, error) {}

// WaitForStaticPodSingleHash returns an error if set from errsToReturn
func (w *fakeWaiter) WaitForStaticPodSingleHash(_ string, _ string) (string, error) {}

// WaitForStaticPodHashChange returns an error if set from errsToReturn
func (w *fakeWaiter) WaitForStaticPodHashChange(_, _, _ string) error {}

// WaitForHKubelet returns a dummy nil just to implement the interface
func (w *fakeWaiter) WaitForKubelet(_ string, _ int32) error {}

type fakeStaticPodPathManager

func NewFakeStaticPodPathManager(moveFileFunc func(string, string) error) (StaticPodPathManager, error) {}

func (spm *fakeStaticPodPathManager) MoveFile(oldPath, newPath string) error {}

func (spm *fakeStaticPodPathManager) KubernetesDir() string {}

func (spm *fakeStaticPodPathManager) PatchesDir() string {}

func (spm *fakeStaticPodPathManager) RealManifestPath(component string) string {}

func (spm *fakeStaticPodPathManager) RealManifestDir() string {}

func (spm *fakeStaticPodPathManager) TempManifestPath(component string) string {}

func (spm *fakeStaticPodPathManager) TempManifestDir() string {}

func (spm *fakeStaticPodPathManager) BackupManifestPath(component string) string {}

func (spm *fakeStaticPodPathManager) BackupManifestDir() string {}

func (spm *fakeStaticPodPathManager) BackupEtcdDir() string {}

func (spm *fakeStaticPodPathManager) CleanupDirs() error {}

type fakeTLSEtcdClient

func (c fakeTLSEtcdClient) WaitForClusterAvailable(retries int, retryInterval time.Duration) (bool, error) {}

func (c fakeTLSEtcdClient) CheckClusterHealth() error {}

func (c fakeTLSEtcdClient) Sync() error {}

func (c fakeTLSEtcdClient) ListMembers() ([]etcdutil.Member, error) {}

func (c fakeTLSEtcdClient) AddMemberAsLearner(name string, peerAddrs string) ([]etcdutil.Member, error) {}

func (c fakeTLSEtcdClient) AddMember(name string, peerAddrs string) ([]etcdutil.Member, error) {}

func (c fakeTLSEtcdClient) MemberPromote(learnerID uint64) error {}

func (c fakeTLSEtcdClient) GetMemberID(peerURL string) (uint64, error) {}

func (c fakeTLSEtcdClient) RemoveMember(id uint64) ([]etcdutil.Member, error) {}

type fakePodManifestEtcdClient

func (c fakePodManifestEtcdClient) WaitForClusterAvailable(retries int, retryInterval time.Duration) (bool, error) {}

func (c fakePodManifestEtcdClient) CheckClusterHealth() error {}

func (c fakePodManifestEtcdClient) Sync() error {}

func (c fakePodManifestEtcdClient) ListMembers() ([]etcdutil.Member, error) {}

func (c fakePodManifestEtcdClient) AddMemberAsLearner(name string, peerAddrs string) ([]etcdutil.Member, error) {}

func (c fakePodManifestEtcdClient) AddMember(name string, peerAddrs string) ([]etcdutil.Member, error) {}

func (c fakePodManifestEtcdClient) MemberPromote(learnerID uint64) error {}

func (c fakePodManifestEtcdClient) GetMemberID(peerURL string) (uint64, error) {}

func (c fakePodManifestEtcdClient) RemoveMember(id uint64) ([]etcdutil.Member, error) {}

func TestStaticPodControlPlane(t *testing.T) {}

func getAPIServerHash(dir string) (string, error) {}

func getConfig(version, certsDir, etcdDataDir string) (*kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration, error) {}

func getTempDir(t *testing.T, name string) (string, func()) {}

func TestCleanupDirs(t *testing.T) {}

func TestRenewCertsByComponent(t *testing.T) {}

func getEmbeddedCerts(tmpDir, kubeConfig string) ([]*x509.Certificate, error) {}

func TestGetPathManagerForUpgrade(t *testing.T) {}

func TestGetEtcdImageTagFromStaticPod(t *testing.T) {}