
type DryRun

// NewDryRun creates a new DryRun object that only has a fake client.
func NewDryRun() *DryRun {}

// WithKubeConfigFile takes a file path and creates real clientset and dynamic clients.
func (d *DryRun) WithKubeConfigFile(file string) error {}

// WithKubeConfig takes a Config (kubeconfig) and creates real clientset and dynamic client.
func (d *DryRun) WithKubeConfig(config *clientcmdapi.Config) error {}

// WithRestConfig takes a rest Config and creates real clientset and dynamic clients.
func (d *DryRun) WithRestConfig(config *rest.Config) error {}

// WithWriter sets the io.Writer used for printing by the DryRun.
func (d *DryRun) WithWriter(w io.Writer) *DryRun {}

// WithMarshalFunction sets the DryRun marshal function.
func (d *DryRun) WithMarshalFunction(f func(runtime.Object, schema.GroupVersion) ([]byte, error)) *DryRun {}

// WithDefaultMarshalFunction sets the DryRun marshal function to the default one.
func (d *DryRun) WithDefaultMarshalFunction() *DryRun {}

// PrependReactor prepends a new reactor in the fake client ReactorChain at position 1.
// Keeps position 0 for the log reactor:
// [ log, r, ... rest of the chain, default fake client reactor ]
func (d *DryRun) PrependReactor(r *testing.SimpleReactor) *DryRun {}

// AppendReactor appends a new reactor in the fake client ReactorChain at position len-2.
// Keeps position len-1 for the default fake client reactor.
// [ log, rest of the chain... , r, default fake client reactor ]
func (d *DryRun) AppendReactor(r *testing.SimpleReactor) *DryRun {}

// Client returns the clientset for this DryRun.
func (d *DryRun) Client() clientset.Interface {}

// DynamicClient returns the dynamic client for this DryRun.
func (d *DryRun) DynamicClient() dynamic.Interface {}

// FakeClient returns the fake client for this DryRun.
func (d *DryRun) FakeClient() clientset.Interface {}

// addRectors is by default called by NewDryRun after creating the fake client.
// It prepends a set of reactors before the default fake client reactor.
func (d *DryRun) addReactors() {}

// handleGetAction tries to handle all GET actions with the dynamic client.
func (d *DryRun) handleGetAction(action testing.GetAction) (bool, runtime.Object, error) {}

// handleListAction tries to handle all LIST actions with the dynamic client.
func (d *DryRun) handleListAction(action testing.ListAction) (bool, runtime.Object, error) {}

// decodeUnstructuredIntoAPIObject decodes an unstructured object into an API object.
func (d *DryRun) decodeUnstructuredIntoAPIObject(action testing.Action, obj runtime.Unstructured) (runtime.Object, error) {}

// LogAction logs details about an action, such as name, object and resource.
func (d *DryRun) LogAction(action testing.Action) {}

// LogObject marshals the object and then prints it to the io.Writer of this DryRun.
func (d *DryRun) LogObject(obj runtime.Object, gv schema.GroupVersion) {}

// HealthCheckJobReactor returns a reactor that handles the GET action for the Job
// object used for the "CreateJob" upgrade preflight check.
func (d *DryRun) HealthCheckJobReactor() *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// PatchNodeReactor returns a reactor that handles the generic PATCH action on Node objects.
func (d *DryRun) PatchNodeReactor() *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// GetNodeReactor returns a reactor that handles the generic GET action of Node objects.
func (d *DryRun) GetNodeReactor() *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// GetClusterInfoReactor returns a reactor that handles the GET action of the "cluster-info"
// ConfigMap used during node bootstrap.
func (d *DryRun) GetClusterInfoReactor() *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// GetKubeadmConfigReactor returns a reactor that handles the GET action of the "kubeadm-config"
// ConfigMap.
func (d *DryRun) GetKubeadmConfigReactor() *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// GetKubeadmCertsReactor returns a reactor that handles the GET action of the "kubeadm-certs" Secret.
func (d *DryRun) GetKubeadmCertsReactor() *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// GetKubeletConfigReactor returns a reactor that handles the GET action of the "kubelet-config"
// ConfigMap.
func (d *DryRun) GetKubeletConfigReactor() *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// GetKubeProxyConfigReactor returns a reactor that handles the GET action of the "kube-proxy"
// ConfigMap.
func (d *DryRun) GetKubeProxyConfigReactor() *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// GetCoreDNSConfigReactor returns a reactor that handles the GET action of the "coredns"
// ConfigMap.
func (d *DryRun) GetCoreDNSConfigReactor() *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// DeleteBootstrapTokenReactor returns a reactor that handles the DELETE action
// of bootstrap token Secret.
func (d *DryRun) DeleteBootstrapTokenReactor() *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// ListPodsReactor returns a reactor that handles the LIST action on pods.
func (d *DryRun) ListPodsReactor(nodeName string) *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// ListDeploymentsReactor returns a reactor that handles the LIST action on deployments.
func (d *DryRun) ListDeploymentsReactor() *testing.SimpleReactor {}

// getJob returns a fake Job object.
func getJob(namespace, name string) *batchv1.Job {}

// getNode returns a fake Node object.
func getNode(name string) *corev1.Node {}

// getConfigMap returns a fake ConfigMap object.
func getConfigMap(namespace, name string, data map[string]string) *corev1.ConfigMap {}

// getSecret returns a fake Secret object.
func getSecret(namespace, name string, data map[string][]byte) *corev1.Secret {}

// getClusterInfoConfigMap returns a fake "cluster-info" ConfigMap.
func getClusterInfoConfigMap() *corev1.ConfigMap {}

// getKubeadmConfigMap returns a fake "kubeadm-config" ConfigMap.
func getKubeadmConfigMap() *corev1.ConfigMap {}

// getKubeadmCertsSecret returns a fake "kubeadm-certs" Secret.
func getKubeadmCertsSecret() *corev1.Secret {}

// getKubeletConfigMap returns a fake "kubelet-config" ConfigMap.
func getKubeletConfigMap() *corev1.ConfigMap {}

// getKubeProxyConfigMap returns a fake "kube-proxy" ConfigMap.
func getKubeProxyConfigMap() *corev1.ConfigMap {}

// getCoreDNSConfigMap returns a fake "coredns" ConfigMap.
func getCoreDNSConfigMap() *corev1.ConfigMap {}

// getPod returns a fake Pod.
func getPod(name, nodeName string) corev1.Pod {}

// getPodList returns a list of fake pods.
func getPodList(nodeName string) *corev1.PodList {}

// getDeploymentList returns a fake list of deployments.
func getDeploymentList() *appsv1.DeploymentList {}