
type EntryMap

type UsersAndGroups

type entry

type limits

const totalFieldsGroup

const totalFieldsUser

const klogLevel

const noshell

const fileEtcLoginDefs

const fileEtcPasswd

const fileEtcGroup

var usersToCreateSpec

var groupsToCreateSpec

var defaultLimits

// ID returns the ID for an entry based on the entry name.
// In case of a user entry it returns the user UID.
// In case of a group entry it returns the group GID.
// It returns nil if no such entry exists.
func (u *EntryMap) ID(name string) *int64 {}

// String converts an EntryMap object to a readable string.
func (u *EntryMap) String() string {}

// AddUsersAndGroups is a public wrapper around addUsersAndGroupsImpl with default system file paths.
func AddUsersAndGroups() (*UsersAndGroups, error) {}

// addUsersAndGroupsImpl adds the managed users and groups to the files specified
// by pathUsers and pathGroups. It uses the file specified with pathLoginDef to
// determine limits for UID and GID. If managed users and groups exist in these files
// validation is performed on them. The function returns a pointer to a Users object
// that can be used to return UID and GID of managed users.
func addUsersAndGroupsImpl(pathLoginDef, pathUsers, pathGroups string) (*UsersAndGroups, error) {}

// RemoveUsersAndGroups is a public wrapper around removeUsersAndGroupsImpl with
// default system file paths.
func RemoveUsersAndGroups() error {}

// removeUsersAndGroupsImpl removes the managed users and groups from the files specified
// by pathUsers and pathGroups.
func removeUsersAndGroupsImpl(pathUsers, pathGroups string) error {}

// parseLoginDefs can be used to parse an /etc/login.defs file and obtain system ranges for UID and GID.
// Passing an empty string will return the defaults. The defaults are 100-999 for both UID and GID.
func parseLoginDefs(file string) (*limits, error) {}

// parseEntries can be used to parse an /etc/passwd or /etc/group file as their format is similar.
// It returns a slice of entries obtained from the file.
// https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/understanding-etcpasswd-file-format/
// https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/understanding-etcgroup-file/
func parseEntries(file string, totalFields int) ([]*entry, error) {}

// validateEntries takes user and group entries and validates if these entries are valid based on limits,
// mapping between users and groups and specs. Returns slices of missing user and group entries that must be created.
// Returns an error if existing users and groups do not match requirements.
func validateEntries(users, groups []*entry, limits *limits) ([]*entry, []*entry, error) {}

// allocateIDs takes a list of entries and based on minimum and maximum ID allocates a "total" of IDs.
func allocateIDs(entries []*entry, min, max int64, total int) ([]int64, error) {}

// addEntries takes /etc/passwd or /etc/group file content and appends entries to it based
// on a createEntry function. Returns the updated contents of the file.
func addEntries(file string, entries []*entry, createEntry func(*entry) string) string {}

// removeEntries takes /etc/passwd or /etc/group file content and deletes entries from them
// by name matching. Returns the updated contents of the file and the number of entries removed.
func removeEntries(file string, entries []*entry) (string, int) {}

// assignUserAndGroupIDs takes the list of existing groups, the users and groups to be created,
// and assigns UIDs and GIDs to the users and groups to be created based on a list of provided UIDs and GIDs.
// Returns an error if not enough UIDs or GIDs are passed. It does not perform any other validation.
func assignUserAndGroupIDs(groups, usersToCreate, groupsToCreate []*entry, uids, gids []int64) error {}

// createGroup is a helper function to produce a group from entry.
func createGroup(e *entry) string {}

// createUser is a helper function to produce a user from entry.
func createUser(e *entry) string {}

// entriesToEntryMap takes a list of entries and prepares an EntryMap object.
func entriesToEntryMap(entries, spec []*entry) (*EntryMap, error) {}

// entriesToString is a utility to convert a list of entries to string.
func entriesToString(entries []*entry) string {}

// openFileWithLock opens the file at path by acquiring an exclusive write lock.
// The returned close() function should be called to release the lock and close the file.
// If a lock cannot be obtained the function fails after a period of time.
func openFileWithLock(path string) (f *os.File, close func(), err error) {}

// readFile reads a File into a string.
func readFile(f *os.File) (string, error) {}

// writeFile writes a string to a File.
func writeFile(f *os.File, str string) error {}

// UpdatePathOwnerAndPermissions updates the owner and permissions of the given path.
// If the path is a directory it is not recursively updated.
func UpdatePathOwnerAndPermissions(path string, uid, gid int64, perms uint32) error {}

// UpdatePathOwner recursively updates the owners of a directory.
// It is equivalent to calling `chown -R uid:gid /path/to/dir`.
func UpdatePathOwner(dirPath string, uid, gid int64) error {}