
// Parse splits log output provided by the reader into individual log entries.
// The original log can be reconstructed verbatim by concatenating these
// entries. If the reader fails with an error, the last log entry will
// capture that error.
func Parse(in io.Reader) []Entry {}

// All is like Parse except that it can be used in a for/range loop:
//	for entry := range logparse.All(reader) {
//	    // entry is the next log entry.
//	}
func All(in io.Reader) iter.Seq[Entry] {}

type Entry

type ErrorEntry

var _

var _

func (e *ErrorEntry) LogData() string {}

func (e *ErrorEntry) String() string  {}

type OtherEntry

var _

var _

func (e *OtherEntry) LogData() string {}

func (e *OtherEntry) String() string  {}

type KlogEntry

type Severity

const SeverityInfo

const SeverityWarning

const SeverityError

const SeverityFatal

var _

var _

func (e *KlogEntry) LogData() string {}

func (e *KlogEntry) String() string  {}

func parse(in io.Reader, yield func(Entry) bool) {}

const pid

const source

const severity

const datetime

var klogPrefix

var indentionIndex

var severityIndex

func lookupSubmatch(name string) int {}

// parseLine deals with one non-empty line. It returns the result of yield and
// potentially the next line and/or a read error. If it doesn't have any new
// data to process, it returns the empty string and a nil error.
func parseLine(reader *bufio.Reader, line string, yield func(Entry) bool) (string, bool, error) {}