
type ContainerType

const Containers

const InitContainers

const EphemeralContainers

const AllContainers

// AllFeatureEnabledContainers returns a ContainerType mask which includes all container
// types except for the ones guarded by feature gate.
func AllFeatureEnabledContainers() ContainerType {}

type ContainerVisitor

// VisitContainers invokes the visitor function with a pointer to every container
// spec in the given pod spec with type set in mask. If visitor returns false,
// visiting is short-circuited. VisitContainers returns true if visiting completes,
// false if visiting was short-circuited.
func VisitContainers(podSpec *api.PodSpec, mask ContainerType, visitor ContainerVisitor) bool {}

type Visitor

func skipEmptyNames(visitor Visitor) Visitor {}

// VisitPodSecretNames invokes the visitor function with the name of every secret
// referenced by the pod spec. If visitor returns false, visiting is short-circuited.
// Transitive references (e.g. pod -> pvc -> pv -> secret) are not visited.
// Returns true if visiting completed, false if visiting was short-circuited.
func VisitPodSecretNames(pod *api.Pod, visitor Visitor, containerType ContainerType) bool {}

func visitContainerSecretNames(container *api.Container, visitor Visitor) bool {}

// VisitPodConfigmapNames invokes the visitor function with the name of every configmap
// referenced by the pod spec. If visitor returns false, visiting is short-circuited.
// Transitive references (e.g. pod -> pvc -> pv -> secret) are not visited.
// Returns true if visiting completed, false if visiting was short-circuited.
func VisitPodConfigmapNames(pod *api.Pod, visitor Visitor, containerType ContainerType) bool {}

func visitContainerConfigmapNames(container *api.Container, visitor Visitor) bool {}

// IsPodReady returns true if a pod is ready; false otherwise.
func IsPodReady(pod *api.Pod) bool {}

// IsPodReadyConditionTrue returns true if a pod is ready; false otherwise.
func IsPodReadyConditionTrue(status api.PodStatus) bool {}

// GetPodReadyCondition extracts the pod ready condition from the given status and returns that.
// Returns nil if the condition is not present.
func GetPodReadyCondition(status api.PodStatus) *api.PodCondition {}

// GetPodCondition extracts the provided condition from the given status and returns that.
// Returns nil and -1 if the condition is not present, and the index of the located condition.
func GetPodCondition(status *api.PodStatus, conditionType api.PodConditionType) (int, *api.PodCondition) {}

// UpdatePodCondition updates existing pod condition or creates a new one. Sets LastTransitionTime to now if the
// status has changed.
// Returns true if pod condition has changed or has been added.
func UpdatePodCondition(status *api.PodStatus, condition *api.PodCondition) bool {}

func checkContainerUseIndivisibleHugePagesValues(container api.Container) bool {}

// usesIndivisibleHugePagesValues returns true if the one of the containers uses non-integer multiple
// of huge page unit size
func usesIndivisibleHugePagesValues(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// hasInvalidTopologySpreadConstraintLabelSelector return true if spec.TopologySpreadConstraints have any entry with invalid labelSelector
func hasInvalidTopologySpreadConstraintLabelSelector(spec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// hasNonLocalProjectedTokenPath return true if spec.Volumes have any entry with non-local projected token path
func hasNonLocalProjectedTokenPath(spec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// GetValidationOptionsFromPodSpecAndMeta returns validation options based on pod specs and metadata
func GetValidationOptionsFromPodSpecAndMeta(podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec, podMeta, oldPodMeta *metav1.ObjectMeta) apivalidation.PodValidationOptions {}

func useRelaxedEnvironmentVariableValidation(podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

func useRelaxedDNSSearchValidation(oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// Helper function to check if any domain is a dot or contains an underscore.
func hasDotOrUnderscore(searches []string) bool {}

func gatherPodEnvVarNames(podSpec *api.PodSpec) sets.Set[string] {}

func relaxedEnvVarUsed(name string, oldPodEnvVarNames sets.Set[string]) bool {}

func hasUsedDownwardAPIFieldPathWithPodSpec(podSpec *api.PodSpec, fieldPath string) bool {}

func hasUsedDownwardAPIFieldPathWithVolume(volume *api.Volume, fieldPath string) bool {}

func hasUsedDownwardAPIFieldPathWithContainer(container *api.Container, fieldPath string) bool {}

// GetValidationOptionsFromPodTemplate will return pod validation options for specified template.
func GetValidationOptionsFromPodTemplate(podTemplate, oldPodTemplate *api.PodTemplateSpec) apivalidation.PodValidationOptions {}

// DropDisabledTemplateFields removes disabled fields from the pod template metadata and spec.
// This should be called from PrepareForCreate/PrepareForUpdate for all resources containing a PodTemplateSpec
func DropDisabledTemplateFields(podTemplate, oldPodTemplate *api.PodTemplateSpec) {}

// DropDisabledPodFields removes disabled fields from the pod metadata and spec.
// This should be called from PrepareForCreate/PrepareForUpdate for all resources containing a Pod
func DropDisabledPodFields(pod, oldPod *api.Pod) {}

// dropDisabledFields removes disabled fields from the pod metadata and spec.
func dropDisabledFields(
	podSpec *api.PodSpec, podAnnotations map[string]string,
	oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec, oldPodAnnotations map[string]string,
) {}

func dropPodLifecycleSleepAction(podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) {}

func podLifecycleSleepActionInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

func podLifecycleSleepActionZeroValueInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// dropDisabledPodStatusFields removes disabled fields from the pod status
func dropDisabledPodStatusFields(podStatus, oldPodStatus *api.PodStatus, podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) {}

func hostIPsInUse(podStatus *api.PodStatus) bool {}

// dropDisabledDynamicResourceAllocationFields removes pod claim references from
// container specs and pod-level resource claims unless they are already used
// by the old pod spec.
func dropDisabledDynamicResourceAllocationFields(podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) {}

func dynamicResourceAllocationInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

func dropResourceClaimRequests(containers []api.Container) {}

func dropEphemeralResourceClaimRequests(containers []api.EphemeralContainer) {}

// dropDisabledProcMountField removes disabled fields from PodSpec related
// to ProcMount only if it is not already used by the old spec
func dropDisabledProcMountField(podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) {}

// dropDisabledNodeInclusionPolicyFields removes disabled fields from PodSpec related
// to NodeInclusionPolicy only if it is not used by the old spec.
func dropDisabledNodeInclusionPolicyFields(podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) {}

// dropDisabledMatchLabelKeysFieldInPodAffinity removes disabled fields from PodSpec related
// to MatchLabelKeys in required/preferred PodAffinity/PodAntiAffinity only if it is not already used by the old spec.
func dropDisabledMatchLabelKeysFieldInPodAffinity(podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) {}

// dropDisabledMatchLabelKeysFieldInTopologySpread removes disabled fields from PodSpec related
// to MatchLabelKeys in TopologySpread only if it is not already used by the old spec.
func dropDisabledMatchLabelKeysFieldInTopologySpread(podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) {}

// dropMatchLabelKeysFieldInWeightedPodAffnityTerm removes MatchLabelKeys and MismatchLabelKeys fields from WeightedPodAffinityTerm
func dropMatchLabelKeysFieldInWeightedPodAffnityTerm(terms []api.WeightedPodAffinityTerm) {}

// dropMatchLabelKeysFieldInPodAffnityTerm removes MatchLabelKeys and MismatchLabelKeys fields from PodAffinityTerm
func dropMatchLabelKeysFieldInPodAffnityTerm(terms []api.PodAffinityTerm) {}

// matchLabelKeysFieldInPodAffinityInUse returns true if given affinityTerms have MatchLabelKeys field set.
func matchLabelKeysFieldInPodAffinityInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// matchLabelKeysInTopologySpreadInUse returns true if the pod spec is non-nil
// and has MatchLabelKeys field set in TopologySpreadConstraints.
func matchLabelKeysInTopologySpreadInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// nodeAffinityPolicyInUse returns true if the pod spec is non-nil and has NodeAffinityPolicy field set
// in TopologySpreadConstraints
func nodeAffinityPolicyInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// nodeTaintsPolicyInUse returns true if the pod spec is non-nil and has NodeTaintsPolicy field set
// in TopologySpreadConstraints
func nodeTaintsPolicyInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// hostUsersInUse returns true if the pod spec has spec.hostUsers field set.
func hostUsersInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

func supplementalGroupsPolicyInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// inPlacePodVerticalScalingInUse returns true if pod spec is non-nil and ResizePolicy is set
func inPlacePodVerticalScalingInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// procMountInUse returns true if the pod spec is non-nil and has a SecurityContext's ProcMount field set to a non-default value
func procMountInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// appArmorAnnotationsInUse returns true if the pod has apparmor annotations
func appArmorAnnotationsInUse(podAnnotations map[string]string) bool {}

// appArmorFieldsInUse returns true if the pod has apparmor fields set
func appArmorFieldsInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

// restartableInitContainersInUse returns true if the pod spec is non-nil and
// it has any init container with ContainerRestartPolicyAlways.
func restartableInitContainersInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

func clusterTrustBundleProjectionInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

func rroInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

func dropDisabledClusterTrustBundleProjection(podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) {}

func hasInvalidLabelValueInAffinitySelector(spec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

func MarkPodProposedForResize(oldPod, newPod *api.Pod) {}

// KEP: https://kep.k8s.io/4639
func dropImageVolumes(podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) {}

func imageVolumesInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

func dropSELinuxChangePolicy(podSpec, oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) {}

func seLinuxChangePolicyInUse(podSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}

func useOnlyRecursiveSELinuxChangePolicy(oldPodSpec *api.PodSpec) bool {}