
type CertificateController

func NewCertificateController(
	ctx context.Context,
	name string,
	kubeClient clientset.Interface,
	csrInformer certificatesinformers.CertificateSigningRequestInformer,
	handler func(context.Context, *certificates.CertificateSigningRequest) error,
) *CertificateController {}

// Run the main goroutine responsible for watching and syncing jobs.
func (cc *CertificateController) Run(ctx context.Context, workers int) {}

// worker runs a thread that dequeues CSRs, handles them, and marks them done.
func (cc *CertificateController) worker(ctx context.Context) {}

// processNextWorkItem deals with one key off the queue.  It returns false when it's time to quit.
func (cc *CertificateController) processNextWorkItem(ctx context.Context) bool {}

func (cc *CertificateController) enqueueCertificateRequest(obj interface{}

func (cc *CertificateController) syncFunc(ctx context.Context, key string) error {}

// IgnorableError returns an error that we shouldn't handle (i.e. log) because
// it's spammy and usually user error. Instead we will log these errors at a
// higher log level. We still need to throw these errors to signal that the
// sync should be retried.
func IgnorableError(s string, args ...interface{}

type ignorableError

func (e ignorableError) Error() string {}