
var shortDead

var mediumDead

var longDead

var noDead

var errorSchedule

var onTheHour

var everyHour

var errorTimeZone

var newYork

// returns a cronJob with some fields filled in.
func cronJob() batchv1.CronJob {}

func jobSpec() batchv1.JobSpec {}

func justASecondBeforeTheHour() time.Time {}

func justAfterThePriorHour() time.Time {}

func justBeforeThePriorHour() time.Time {}

func justAfterTheHour() *time.Time {}

func justAfterTheHourInZone(tz string) time.Time {}

func justBeforeTheHour() time.Time {}

func justBeforeTheNextHour() time.Time {}

func weekAfterTheHour() time.Time {}

func TestControllerV2SyncCronJob(t *testing.T) {}

type fakeQueue

func (f *fakeQueue) AddAfter(key string, delay time.Duration) {}

// this test will take around 61 seconds to complete
func TestControllerV2UpdateCronJob(t *testing.T) {}

func TestControllerV2GetJobsToBeReconciled(t *testing.T) {}

func TestControllerV2CleanupFinishedJobs(t *testing.T) {}

// TestControllerV2JobAlreadyExistsButNotInActiveStatus validates that an already created job that was not added to the status
// of a CronJob initially will be added back on the next sync. Previously, if we failed to update the status after creating a job,
// cronjob controller would retry continuously because it would attempt to create a job that already exists.
func TestControllerV2JobAlreadyExistsButNotInActiveStatus(t *testing.T) {}

// TestControllerV2JobAlreadyExistsButDifferentOwnner validates that an already created job
// not owned by the cronjob controller is ignored.
func TestControllerV2JobAlreadyExistsButDifferentOwner(t *testing.T) {}