
type missedSchedulesType

const noneMissed

const fewMissed

const manyMissed

func (e missedSchedulesType) String() string {}

// inActiveList checks if cronjob's .status.active has a job with the same UID.
func inActiveList(cj *batchv1.CronJob, uid types.UID) bool {}

// inActiveListByName checks if cronjob's status.active has a job with the same
// name and namespace.
func inActiveListByName(cj *batchv1.CronJob, job *batchv1.Job) bool {}

func deleteFromActiveList(cj *batchv1.CronJob, uid types.UID) {}

// mostRecentScheduleTime returns:
//   - the last schedule time or CronJob's creation time,
//   - the most recent time a Job should be created or nil, if that's after now,
//   - value indicating either none missed schedules, a few missed or many missed
//   - error in an edge case where the schedule specification is grammatically correct,
//     but logically doesn't make sense (31st day for months with only 30 days, for example).
func mostRecentScheduleTime(cj *batchv1.CronJob, now time.Time, schedule cron.Schedule, includeStartingDeadlineSeconds bool) (time.Time, *time.Time, missedSchedulesType, error) {}

// nextScheduleTimeDuration returns the time duration to requeue based on
// the schedule and last schedule time. It adds a 100ms padding to the next requeue to account
// for Network Time Protocol(NTP) time skews. If the time drifts the adjustment, which in most
// realistic cases should be around 100s, the job will still be executed without missing
// the schedule.
func nextScheduleTimeDuration(cj *batchv1.CronJob, now time.Time, schedule cron.Schedule) *time.Duration {}

// nextScheduleTime returns the time.Time of the next schedule after the last scheduled
// and before now, or nil if no unmet schedule times, and an error.
// If there are too many (>100) unstarted times, it will also record a warning.
func nextScheduleTime(logger klog.Logger, cj *batchv1.CronJob, now time.Time, schedule cron.Schedule, recorder record.EventRecorder) (*time.Time, error) {}

func copyLabels(template *batchv1.JobTemplateSpec) labels.Set {}

func copyAnnotations(template *batchv1.JobTemplateSpec) labels.Set {}

// getJobFromTemplate2 makes a Job from a CronJob. It converts the unix time into minutes from
// epoch time and concatenates that to the job name, because the cronjob_controller v2 has the lowest
// granularity of 1 minute for scheduling job.
func getJobFromTemplate2(cj *batchv1.CronJob, scheduledTime time.Time) (*batchv1.Job, error) {}

// getTimeHash returns Unix Epoch Time in minutes
func getTimeHashInMinutes(scheduledTime time.Time) int64 {}

type byJobStartTime

func (o byJobStartTime) Len() int      {}

func (o byJobStartTime) Swap(i, j int) {}

func (o byJobStartTime) Less(i, j int) bool {}