
type reconciler

// reconcile takes an Endpoints resource and ensures that corresponding
// EndpointSlices exist. It creates, updates, or deletes EndpointSlices to
// ensure the desired set of addresses are represented by EndpointSlices.
func (r *reconciler) reconcile(logger klog.Logger, endpoints *corev1.Endpoints, existingSlices []*discovery.EndpointSlice) error {}

// reconcileByPortMapping compares the endpoints found in existing slices with
// the list of desired endpoints and returns lists of slices to create, update,
// and delete.
func (r *reconciler) reconcileByPortMapping(
	endpoints *corev1.Endpoints,
	existingSlices []*discovery.EndpointSlice,
	desiredSet endpointsliceutil.EndpointSet,
	endpointPorts []discovery.EndpointPort,
	addressType discovery.AddressType,
) (slicesByAction, totalsByAction) {}

// finalize creates, updates, and deletes slices as specified
func (r *reconciler) finalize(endpoints *corev1.Endpoints, slices slicesByAction) error {}

// deleteEndpoints deletes any associated EndpointSlices and cleans up any
// Endpoints references from the metricsCache.
func (r *reconciler) deleteEndpoints(namespace, name string, endpointSlices []*discovery.EndpointSlice) error {}

// endpointSlicesByKey returns a map that groups EndpointSlices by unique
// addrTypePortMapKey values.
func endpointSlicesByKey(existingSlices []*discovery.EndpointSlice) map[addrTypePortMapKey][]*discovery.EndpointSlice {}

// totalChanges returns the total changes that will be required for an
// EndpointSlice to match a desired set of endpoints.
func totalChanges(existingSlice *discovery.EndpointSlice, desiredSet endpointsliceutil.EndpointSet) totalsByAction {}

func needRebuildExistingSlices(endpoints *corev1.Endpoints, existingSlice *discovery.EndpointSlice) bool {}